Displaying page 1 of 56; total number of records: 1104
ID Author Title Year
520 Abhyankar, K. V. (ed.) Paribhāṣāsaṃgraha: A Collection of Original Works on Vyākaraṇa Paribhāṣās. Edited Critically with an Introduction and an Index of Paribhāṣās 1967
546 Ācārya, Bāburāma Purānā kavi ra kavitā 2023
195 Ācārya, Bāburāma and Yogī Naraharinātha (eds.) Rāṣṭrapitā baḍāmahārājādhirāja śrī 5 Pṛthvīnārāyaṇa Śāhako Divya Upadeśa 2070 [2013]
649 Ācārya, Dibākara Euṭā choṭo ādya-itihāsa 2017
650 Ācārya, Rāmanātha, and Dāmodara Koirālā (eds.) Satkarmaratnāvalī 2026
1154 Ācārya, Śivarāja [Kauṇḍinnyāyanaḥ] Katipaya-naipālasaṃskṛtagranthakāra-paricayaḥ 2048 [1991]
99 Acharya, Babu Ram Social Changes during the Early Shah Period 1975
109 Acharya, Babu Ram King Prithvi Narayan Shah's Letter to Bhagavanta Nath 1969
252 Acharya, Babu Ram A Short History of Nepal 1982
1061 Acharya, Baburam King Rana Bahadur Shah (continued from the previous issue) 1975
304 Acharya, Baburam The Fall of Bhimsen Thapa and the Rise of Jung Bahadur Rana 1971
314 Acharya, Baburam King Prithvi Narayan Shah. Notes to Chapter 1 (Continued from RRS 8, 12, 225-33) 1977
1101 Acharya, Baburam General Bhimsen Thapa and the Samar Jung Company 1972
1131 Acharya, Baburam China Tibet and Nepal: Historical Account of Nepal's Relationship with Neighbours in the North 2018
404 Acharya, Baburam King Rana Bahadur Shah (continued from the previous issue) 1975
450 Acharya, Baburam King Prithvi Narayan Shah. Chapter 1: Genealogy of the Royal Dynasty of Gorkha (Circa 1501 to 1723) 1976
466 Acharya, Baburam The Bloodstained Throne: Struggles for Power in Nepal (1775-1914) 2013
648 Acharya, Jayaraj A Descriptive Grammar of Nepali 1991
7 Acharya, Jayaraj (tr.) The Nepāla-māhātmya of the Skandapurāna 1992
8 Adam, Leonhard Sitte und Recht in Nepal 1934
Displaying page 1 of 56; total number of records: 1104