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Displaying page 1 of 66; total number of records: 1303
ID Word Notes Type
2284 abbala [fr. A.] n. 1) land of the best quality. 2) first. t.t.
2855 ācamana [S.] n. ritual sipping of water. t.t.
2856 ācamanī [S.] var. ācamani; n. a small spoon for ācamana. t.t.
2868 achetākhorī [achetā + khorī] var. achītāṣorī, achītoṣorī; n. a vessel for keeping unbroken rice grains (akṣatā / achetā). t.t.
1944 aḍai n. a functionary at the royal palace in charge of managing serā lands (M.C. Regmi 1978: 225). t.t.
2200 adālata [fr. A.] n. a court of justice. According to K.K. Adhikari (1984: 301), adālatas were superordinate to ṭhānās and amālas. There were two categories of adālatas: 1) gaũḍā-adālatas which were situated in the frontier areas, Dhankuta in the east and Palpa and Doti in the west. 2) jillā-adālata which were located in the various administrative regions. In the Mulukī Ain, adālatas, ṭhānās and amālas were the central institutions for judicial administration (see, for example, MA-KM 1854 1.5, 19 and 21). t.t.
1964 aḍḍā var. aḍā; n. an office, post or station where state functionaries carry out their duties. t.t.
2696 Aḍḍā Jā̃ca Śrestā Phā̃ṭa var. Aḍā Jāca Śrestā Phāṭa, Aḍḍā Jā̃ca, Aḍā Jāca Śrestā; n. an office set up for inspection purpose. It inspected all government officers in the valley and sent its report to the Commander-in-Chief (Agrawal 1976: 61) t.t.
2110 adhelī n. monetary unit equal to a half paisā. t.t.
2568 adhiyā̃ / adhiyā var. adhiñā, adhiyā̃; n. a system in the central hill region under which the cultivator paid half of the crop as rent. t.t.
2651 āgaṃ [fr. S. āgama] var. āgaṇa; n. the place where the image of the family deity is housed; the household chapel (Malla 2000: 16). Usually housed on the first floor of a monastery, the āgaṃ is a shrine of its principal deity, Cakrasaṃvara, who is worshipped by a Vajrācārya priest. Sometimes a Śākya elder may also perform the daily worship of Cakrasaṃvara if the monastery belongs exclusively to Śākyas. t.t.
2260 āgama [S.] n. a secret shrine of Newar Buddhist institutions. t.t.
2017 āge [fr. S. agre] adv. lit. "henceforeward" (Riccardi 1976: 150 n. 6), especially used in administrative and legal documents to mark the beginning of a text or paragraph. In its function it is similar to uprānta. t.t.
2310 Aghorī n. a group of Hindu ascetics whose spiritual practice is focused on the attainment of a state of non-discrimination characterized as aghora (lit. non-terrible). Their ascetic practices include wandering naked on cremation grounds, meditating on corpses and the consumption of impure substances. t.t.
2971 aguru [S.] n. agarwood, the dark, strongly scented heartwood developing inside Aquilaria trees that are infected by a certain mould (Jung 2013). t.t.
1881 ain var. āin, aina; n. 1) laws, statutes, rules, regulations enacted by authority 2) law-code of Nepal, first promulgated in 1854 during the rule of Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā and amended several times before it was completely revised in VS 2022. The revised law-code was renamed as Mulukī Ain. t.t.
2953 ainā var. aiṃnā; n. a mirror, looking-glass. t.t.
2583 ainkhānā n. the law office established by Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā in 1851 or 1852. It was responsible for amending and cancelling of existing laws or for drafting new legislation at the initiative of the prime minister (see Sever 1993: 477). t.t.
2118 ajāputra n. a freeman (cf. MA 1854/81 §5, 56 §6). t.t.
2398 akariyā n. an ex-slave (lit. non-kariyā) (cf. MA-KM 1854 86.7) t.t.
Displaying page 1 of 66; total number of records: 1303