Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3876 of 4012; total number of records: 80225
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0036_0368 A document notifying functionaries of Mahottarī re appointment of Munasīpha Devendra Pādhyā and Lohāsura Ghartī (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0369 A document re appointment of Munasīpha Devendra Pādhyā and Lohāsura Ghartī (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0370 A document authorizing Rudra Nidhī Panta et al. to conduct settlement operations in Bārā-Parsā and Rautahaṭa (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0371 A document re appointment of Rudra Nidhī Panta et al. (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0372 A document re appointment of Rudra Nidhī Panta et al. (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0373 A document directing Sardāra Bala Bhanjana Pā̃ḍe et al. to demarcate Nepal-India border (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0374 A document directing Kāji Prasāda Siṃha Basneta et al. to demarcate Nepal-India border (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0375 A document re regulations for munasīphas Udayananda and Raghu Bīra in Moraṅa (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0376 A document re appointment of munasīphas Udayananda and Raghu Bira in Moraṅa (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0377 A document re appointment of munasīphas Udayananda and Raghu Bira in Moraṅa (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0378 A document re gold levy imposed in Moraṅa and rates specified (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0379 An order to caudharī and other functionaries of Moraṅa to submit land tax arrears (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0380 An order to Kāji Bahādura Bhandārī to collect land tax arrears (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0381 A document permitting traders to visit Tibet through Pā̃casaya Kholā et al. only if holding passports (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0382 A document permitting traders to visit Tibet through Listī only if holding passports (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0383 A document re restrictions on export of Patna coins and silver to India (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0384 A document re restrictions on export of Patna coins and silver to India through Sindhulī Gaḍhī (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0385 An order to mine workers of Nāgaryā to resume mining operations (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0386 A document re obligation at Galakoṭa to transport coins minted at Bāgluṅa (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0387 A document appointing Cāmyā Damāī Nāgārcī as mijhāra of Damāīs et al. between Mecī and Mahākālī (VS 1873) 1873 VS
Displaying page 3876 of 4012; total number of records: 80225