Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 4010 of 4012; total number of records: 80225
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0079_0016 A copy of a document to Dadhirāma Durā re the theka land allotment in Tilpuṅga (VS 1909) 1909 VS
RRC_0079_0017 A copy of a dispute re homestead in Chyāragāun (VS 1909) 1909 VS
RRC_0079_0018 A copy of a document to Bicāri of Māiṣaṇda Adālata re the cancellation of allotment of orchard belonging to Maulā Aḍḍā (VS 1909) 1909 VS
RRC_0079_0019 A copy of a document Bicāri of Māiṣṇḍa Adālata re the payment of Nuvāgi levi on jāgira land holding (VS 1907) 1907 VS
R_0001_0003 A lālamohara from Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama Śāha (VS 1944) 1944 VS
R_0001_0005 A rukkā from Raṇoddipa Siṃha Rāṇā (VS 1938) 1938 VS
R_0001_0006 A rukkā from Vīra Śamśera Jaṅga Bahādura (VS 1948) 1948 VS
Tsum_0001_0001 A receipt for Phurva Gāũ’s payment of goḍadhuvā for Princess Prāṇa Lakṣmī's wedding (VS 1955) 1955 VS
Tsum_0001_0002 A letter from Deva Śamśera ordering to enforce customary fees on mogalāniyā traders before trading in Pācapārvā of Syāra (VS 1946) 1946 VS
Tsum_0001_0003 A letter from Candra Śamśera formalizing a lokābhāra contract in favour of Chāṃju and authorizing him to act as mukhiyā of Chiluṃgāũ (VS 1945) 1945 VS
Tsum_0001_0005 A letter from Raṇa Śamśera reinstating the annually leased lokābhāra contract for Pārogāũ without taking collateral (VS 1942) 1942 VS
Tsum_0001_0006 A letter from Jagat Śamśera to dvāres of Aṭhāra Saya Kholā not to bother village headmen for their past actions (VS 1912) 1912 VS
Tsum_0001_0008 An order from Jagat Śamśera to five mukhiyās of Aṭhāra Saya Kholā to pay an amount due (VS 1913) 1913 VS
Tsum_0001_0009 A receipt for two packs of ghee sent by Mukhiyā Chyāṃ Ḍuḍup (VS 1912) 1912 VS
Tsum_0001_0010 A purjī from Ḍaḍu Lāmā summoning Chokaṃ Jimmāvāla to assemble the salt traders from the villages to pay customs duties of the trade (1951 VS) 1951 VS
Tsum_0001_0012 A document from Dalāna Tahasila Aḍḍā acknowledging receipt for an emolument from Pāro Gāũ (VS 1944) 1944 VS
Tsum_0001_0013 A copy of a rukkā from Jaṅga Bahādura exempting subjects in Doce from the obligation to supply an assigned quota of rations (VS 1917) 1917 VS
Tsum_0001_0014 A document from Dalāna Tahasila Aḍḍā acknowledging the obtainment of lokābhāra from Pāro Gāũ (VS 1943) 1943 VS
Tsum_0001_0016 A document from General Jagat Śamśera acknowledging having received payment, both in cash and kind, from Pāro Gāũ (VS 1919) 1919 VS
Tsum_0001_0017 A jāherīpatra from Lagan Guruṃ accusing Tenjin Bhoṭe of attacking and robbing him (1963 VS) 1963 VS
Displaying page 4010 of 4012; total number of records: 80225