Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
E_2551_0017 | A note from Rājaprāsāda to the cabinet secretary re the rituals of Śrī Paśupatinātha (VS 2031) | 2031 VS | |
E_2551_0018 | An abhistāva from Sadara Daftara Khānā to premier recommending levy of charges upon eastern hilly district's Kīratis (VS 1940) | 1940 VS | |
E_2551_0019 | A prativedana from Arrears Collection Office to premier re tracing state-seized land (VS 1950) | 1950 VS | |
E_2551_0020 | An anudeśa to general public re to make a gift (VS 1964) | 1964 VS | |
E_2551_0021 | A prativedana from Col. Phatya Bahādura Rāṇā to premier re suits in accordance with the executive order (VS 1942) | 1942 VS | |
E_2551_0022 | An anudeśa instructing Dhanakuṭā headquarters re report on deployment of security personnel at the border (VS 1942) | 1942 VS | |
E_2551_0023 | A collection of documents containing various holdings (VS 1941) | 1941 VS | |
E_2551_0024 | A prativedana from General Survey to premier re Kirat holdings (VS 1941) | 1941 VS | |
E_2552_0001 | A prativedana from criminal court to premier re kipaṭa land of east Nepal (VS 1965) | 1965 VS | |
E_2552_0002 | A niṣpādaka ādeśa from premier directing officials to register land in favour of Kirāteśvara (VS 1964) | 1964 VS | |
E_2552_0003 | An ādeśa from Gen. Abhimāna Siṃha et al. directing headmen and officials to assess the value of crops (VS 1902) | 1902 VS | |
E_2552_0004 | An ādeśa from General Boma Bahādura directing local gentry of Kavilāsa not to handle khetas specified (VS 1904) | 1904 VS | |
E_2552_0005 | An ādeśa from Kāzī Kulamāna Siṃha Basnyāta directing local gentry to surrender land to Ambara Siṃha's wife (VS 1899) | 1899 VS | |
E_2552_0016 | A document re an act of transfer of property and other acts promulgated in 1933 (VS 1989) | 1989 VS | |
E_2578_0013 | A sales deed of land of Patan (NS 802) | 802 NS | |
E_2578_0014 | A bhūmivikrayapatra recording the sale of land (NS 760) | 760 NS | |
E_2578_0015 | A sales deed of land (NS 88{1}?) | 88(1)? NS | |
E_2585_0003 | A document containing executive orders from the premier for handling contracts to be operated by the state (VS 1980) | 1980 VS | |
E_2585_0004 | An instruction to the court for handling complaint and the defendant's plea (VS 1979) | 1979 VS | |
E_2592_0004 | A nṛpājñā from premier instructing tax-collectors to serve as commanded (VS 1911) | 1911 VS | |