Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3864 of 4012; total number of records: 80225
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0036_0128 A copy of document re ijārā grant on lands assigned for production of saltpeter in Bara, Parsa and Rautahat (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0129 A copy of document re ijārā grant on lands assigned for production of saltpeter in Chitwan (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0130 A copy of document informing Subbā Avala Thāpā of his replacement by Narajita and Thakura Siṃha Nevāra for lands assigned for production of saltpeter in Saptari-Mahottari (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0131 A copy of document re restrictions on grazing of cattle on cultivated lands in Patan (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0132 A copy of document re introduction of amānata system in Bhaktapur and appointment of bicārī to exercise judicial authority (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0133 A copy of document re ijārā grant to Narajita and Thakura Siṃha Nevāra in Saptari, Mahottari and elsewhere for supply of saltpeter (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0134 A copy of document on the notice to Subbā Dasaratha Khatrī re his replacement by Narajita and Thakura Siṃha Nevāra (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0135 A copy of document re capital punishment to a slave who was guilty of sexual intercourse with daughter of Jasamāna Rāṇā (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0136 A copy of document re appointment of mohīnāike for jāgira lands in Balāma (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0137 A copy of document re confirmation of ownership rights of Tamoṭ Thākura Siṃha over his house in Kathmandu (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0138 A copy of document re confirmation of rights of kājī-s over taxes collected from Sālmī community of Kīrtipur (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0139 A copy of document re assurance of justice to timber merchants who had fled to India from Chitwan because of unauthorised imposition of taxes (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0140 A copy of document re confirmation of kipaṭa lands of Makuṃna Siṃha Kāmī in Simras (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0141 A copy of document re misappropriated revenues by Luṃgyā Ḍhevā of Mustang (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0142 A copy of document re transportation through hulāka labor of sāune phāgu and valaka collected in areas between Kathmandu and Kanakā Ṭisṭā (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0143 A copy of document appointing Ṭappā Kanacaka as dvāre of dancing girls, musicians, etc. of the place (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0144 A copy of document re collection of salāmī in Garhwal (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0145 A copy of document directing amālidāra and other officials of Sindhulī to send saltpeter supplied by ijārādāra Thākura Siṃha (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0146 A copy of document directing amālidāra of Heṭauḍā Cisāpānī to send saltpeter supplied by ijārādāra Thākura Siṃha through hulāka labor to Kathmandu (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0147 A copy of document re revenue assigned to Sarasiṃha Baniyā, who was appointed to protect fort in Makwanpur (VS 1865) 1865 VS
Displaying page 3864 of 4012; total number of records: 80225