Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3914 of 4012; total number of records: 80225
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0039_0593 A copy of a regulations in the name of amalidaars of Kirtipur re irrigation facilities (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0594 A copy of document confirming as koṭavāla to Biran Rāuta for Sidhmas and Naurangiyā, Parsā (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0595 A copy of document authorizing copdārs to get fees from jāgiradāras (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0596 A copy of document appointing Sobhā Siddhi Bandā as caudhari over Nevāra communities (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0597 A copy of document appointing Horila Dāsa as mukhiyā at Tośhākhānā (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0598 A copy of document granting kuśabirtā to Rishi Pādhyā Dhakāla in Jarayotar (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0599 A copy of a document ordering Rudrabira Śāhi to send elephant from Sallyāna (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0600 A copy of document ordering amālis and others to provide transport for rhinoceros calves brought by Ikunda (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0601 A copy of a regulation re sale of houses in Patan (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0602 A copy of document ordering Sardāra Tikā Ballabha to hand over charge to his successor and return to Kathmandu (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0603 A copy of document re the supply of guns manufactured in Sallyāna magazine to Kevāla Jaṅga Company in Jaharitāra (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0604 A copy of document allocating gādimubāraka revenue of Satthapaula to pay for Kevala Jaṅga Company (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0605 A copy of document confirming chāpa land to Subedāra Bansha Rāja Kārki in Chuplu (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0606 A copy of document granting bekha buniyāda land to Kanugoye Patvāri in Pakari, Saptari (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0607 A copy of document re Kamala Caudhari appointed gumasta of Ācala Thāpā as phikadāra on his nānakāra land (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0608 A copy of document confirming of land of Rudra Bāniyā (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0609 A copy of document re the mahantamaṇḍalī revenues assigned to Gosain Balavanta Bhārati for Kathmandu valley and other areas (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0610 A copy of document informing officials in Kathmandu valley to appointment of head priest of sanyāsi (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0611 A copy of document re the prohibition to exact begar labor in Srinagar (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0039_0612 A copy of document allocating revenue to pay allowance to personnel of Śri Mehar Company (VS 1867) 1867 VS
Displaying page 3914 of 4012; total number of records: 80225