Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 287 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_2595_0003 A nṛpājñā from King Pṛthvi Nārāyaṇa exempting Nīla Kaṇṭha Jaisī from corvee (VS 1815) 1815 VS
E_2595_0004 A copy of copper plate from King Rājendra recording donation of land by King Gīrvāṇa on earlier date (VS 1895) 1895 VS
E_2595_0005 A copy of copper plate inscription granting land to Rādhā Mitra Paṇḍita (VS 1895) 1895 VS
E_2595_0006 A copper plate inscription from King Rājendra recording land grant to Devīdhara Aryāla on earlier date (VS 1895) 1895 VS
E_2595_0007 A copy of copper plate recording land grant with site of a house (VS 1895) 1895 VS
E_2595_0008 A copy of copper plate inscription recording two separate land grants (VS 1895) 1895 VS
E_2599_0002 An address from Padma Śamaśera to courtiers et al. announcing various reforms (VS 2004) 2004 VS
E_2599_0003 A document re different kinds of land hold by the people for the services unspecified unspecified
E_2599_0004 A nṛpājnā from premier directing Siva Praśāda Aryāla to prepare a lālamohara in favour of the petitioner (VS 1920) 1920 VS
E_2599_0005 A nṛpājñā from King Surendra empowering Kulanidhi Pādhyā Khanāla to enjoy ownership of land (VS 1907) 1907 VS
E_2599_0006 A booklet describing various kinds of feudal taxes in Nepal (VS 2019) 2019 VS
E_2600_0002 A criminal procedure code of Nepal (VS 2012) 2012 VS
E_2601_0002 An executive order from King Gīrvāṇa imposing a coronation tax upon people of Morang (VS 1859) 1859 VS
E_2601_0003 A kṣatipūrti prārthanā re various deeds of pledge by persons praying authorities to provide land in lieu of land seized by state in 1862 V.S. (VS 1940) 1940 VS
E_2601_0004 Various executive orders and lālamoharas from 1888 to 1953 V.S. (VS 1888) 1888 VS
E_2601_0005 A niṣpādanādeśa from Col. Khaḍga Bahādura Kunvara directing Mājha Kirāta's headmen re imposing money by tax-collectors (VS 1910) 1910 VS
E_2601_0006 A bhūmikaraviṣayaka patra from Inspection office to Central Kirāta re rent collection from excess land (VS 1957) 1957 VS
E_2671_0015 An āyavyaya prativedana from revenue office to General Administration re income, expenditure and balance of Morang Revenue Office (VS 1973) 1973 VS
E_2671_0016 A nṛpājñā from King Tribhuvana to Nārāyaṇa Prasāda Upādhyāya re receipts and expenditures of Morang Revenue Office (VS 1973) 1973 VS
E_2672_0001 A lālamohara from King Tribhuvana to Nārāyaṇa Prasāda Upādhyāya re receipts and expenditures of Morang Revenue office (VS 1973) 1973 VS
Displaying page 287 of 4117; total number of records: 82336