Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 292 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_2727_0013 A nirdeśana from the office recording the list of the state employees to the Appellate Court (VS 1990) 1990 VS
E_2727_0014 A document re imposition of land tax as assessed for the village of Boḍe unspecified unspecified
E_2727_0015 A nirdeśana from the office recording the list of the state employees to the Appellate Court (VS 1990) 1990 VS
E_2727_0016 A nirdeśana from the office recording the list of the state employees to the appellate court re taking action against the named person (VS 1990) 1990 VS
E_2727_0017 An ādeśa from Gen. Juddha Śamśera to Gen. Administration to prepare regulations and charters for setting up a court in West no. 2 (VS 1985) 1985 VS
E_2727_0018 A prativedana from West no. 2 Gośvārā to premier re setting up a court appropriate to needs of people of the district (VS 1983) 1983 VS
E_2727_0019 A bandhapatra by people of West no.2 with West no. 2 Gośvārā re describing their difficulties in the district (VS 1983) 1983 VS
E_2727_0020 A nivedana patra to premier re to setup a court within 1800 kholā as district court is far away from the place (VS 1983) 1983 VS
E_2727_0021 A patrācāra from West no. 2 Gośvārā to sub-district office to make an enquiry for setting up of court (VS 1983) 1983 VS
E_2727_0022 A prativedana from West no. 2 District Office to C-in-C/Premier re setting up a court in the sub-district (VS 1984) 1984 VS
E_2727_0023 A patrācāra from Inspection team to district office no. 2 West to initiate legal actions against those ensaring musk deer (VS 1984) 1984 VS
E_2727_0024 An executive order from premier directing district office of no. 2 West re petition for protecting musk deer (VS 1984) 1984 VS
E_2727_0025 A bandhapatra by persons signatories acknowledging receipt of notice against killing of musk deer (VS 1984) 1984 VS
E_2727_0026 A patrācāra from west no. 2 sub-district officer to General Administration re setting up court and exchange of military outpost (VS 1985) 1985 VS
E_2727_0027 A patrācāra from General Administration to West no. 2 district office re to define jurisdictional area of new court (VS 1985) 1985 VS
E_2728_0002 A lālamohara from King Rājendra setting rules for cultivating land of Matsyendranātha (VS 1893) 1893 VS
E_2728_0003 A bhūmivikrayapatra recording the sale of land in Patan (NS 791) 791 NS
E_2728_0004 A sale deed of garden in Lalitpur (NS 835) 835 NS
E_2728_0005 A vivaraṇa re census report of Kathmandu, Patan etc. (VS 1910) 1910 VS
E_2728_0006 A vivaraṇa re census report of Bhaktapur (VS 1910) 1910 VS
Displaying page 292 of 4117; total number of records: 82336