Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 328 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_2778_0042 A petition by Raṇa Gambhīra Pāṇḍe re procuring a bride for the crown prince (VS 1896) 1896 VS
E_2778_0043 A prativedana from office of Bhīmaphedī to Bhagavata Bhakta re to clear bills for goods sent from Sagaulī to Kathmandu (VS 1950) 1950 VS
E_2778_0044 A prativedana to the royal chamberlain seeking guidance re expenditure of paddy unspecified unspecified
E_2778_0045 A rukkā from Mahilā Nānī Saheba giving clearance certificate to the operator of her villages in Tarai (VS 1886) 1886 VS
E_2778_0046 A prāpti svīkṛti acknowledging receipt of various feudal dues (VS 1945) 1945 VS
E_2778_0047 A receipt for the ṭīkābheṭ levy offered to the generals of Thāpāthalī (VS 1918) 1918 VS
E_2778_0048 A āya-vyaya vivaraṇa of state treasury re operations of trust of deities of Patan (VS 1973) 1973 VS
E_2778_0049 A vyaya vivaraṇa re expenditure made on miscellaneous items (VS 1909) 1909 VS
E_2778_0050 An ārthikasthiti of expenditures involved in making ammunition at Cāgala, Chaunī (VS 1958) 1958 VS
E_2778_0051 A document approving dowry for marriage of the princess of Vāga (VS 1944) 1944 VS
E_2778_0052 An ādeśa of Lieutenant Gen. Dambara Śamśera directing state treasury to issue a receipt to Dharma Śamśera Thāpā (VS 1957) 1957 VS
E_2778_0053 An anudeśa from Lieutenant Gen. Dambara Śamśera to state treasury re to make a bond to Dharma Śamśera Thāpā (VS 1958) 1958 VS
E_2778_0054 A confessional statement from Dharma Śamśera to the state treasury re sum spent by him for repairing the ammunition depot (VS 1958) 1958 VS
E_2778_0055 An āya vyaya vivaraṇa re income and expenditure of money for repairing ammunition depot at Cāgala (VS 1957) 1957 VS
E_2778_0056 A vyaya-vivaraṇa on expenditure made for repairing ammunition depot (VS 1958) 1958 VS
E_2778_0057 The horoscope of Rājā Dīrgha Rāja Siṃha's daughter (VS 1888, ŚS 1753) 1888 VS
E_2778_0058 A sāmagri sūcī from the new chamberlain unspecified unspecified
E_2778_0059 An executive order from the premier directing customs office to waive the duties of the goods to be sent to the Chinese emperor (VS 1942) 1942 VS
E_2779_0001 A rukkā from premier instructing customs office to waive customs duties of presents sent to Chinese emperor (VS 1942) 1942 VS
E_2779_0002 A bhāṭakaprāpti acknowledging the receipt of paddy as rent from the land of Gokarṇa (VS 1868) 1868 VS
Displaying page 328 of 4117; total number of records: 82336