Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3314 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0006_0971A A document granting aputāli land to Maijudhana Nevārni of Kathmandu (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0971B A document granting aputāli land to Viṣṇu Sālami et al. in Kathmandu (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0971C A document granting aputāli land to Bhājubira Siṃ et al. in Kathmandu (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0971D A document granting aputāli land in Kathmandu (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0972 A document confirming guṭhī endowment for water supply in Pyuthāna (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0973 A document appointing Rādhā Ballabha Adhikāri and other as priests in Lamjuṅga (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0974 A document appointing Kālidāsa Upādhyāya as guthiyāra of sadāvarta in Karāpu (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0975A A document re imposition of salāmi levy in Garhwal (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0975B A document instructing the jimidāra in Garhwal to pay dues for royal visit (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0975C A document instructing the ambala of Garhwal to send a sum (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0976 A document confirming kipaṭa lands of Āsuvarṇa Rāi et al. in Cisaṅkhu (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0977 A document confirming kipaṭa lands of Lakṣmana Kabira Murmi in Simrāsa (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0978A A document confirming Mani Gongala as citaidāra of Bhaktapur's Taleju temple guṭhī lands (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0978B A document granting land to the citāidāra of Bhaktapur's Taleju temple (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0979 A document granting mānācāmala lands to priest Jayakṛṣṇa Jośi in Maidi (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0980 A document endowing lands as guṭhī for Bhimeśvara temple in Dolakhā (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0981 An order re inheritance dispute of a Newar family in Dolakhā (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0982 A document confirming Śaṅkhanārāyaṇa Brāhmana as priest of Sunāguṭhi's Jagannātha temple (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0983 A document containing regulations by Kṛṣṇa Māna Khatri and other bicāri between Dudhakośi and Tistā (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_0984 A document containing regulations by Brahma Adhikāri and other bicāri between Mahākāli and Bheri (VS 1864) 1864 VS
Displaying page 3314 of 4117; total number of records: 82336