Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3319 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0006_1053 A copy of a document to amāli of Patan re jhārā exemption for twenty seven households (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1054 A copy of a order to Subedāra-s and other officials of Shārdula Juṅga Company re hulāka services (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1055 A copy of a document to Kumāridala Company re jhārā exemption for thirty households (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1056 A copy of a document re deputation of Naya Śrīnātha Company to Kangra (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1057 A copy of a order to Caukidār-s re transport facilities for Bābu Rankeshar Siṃ from Thankot to Bara-Parsa (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1058 A copy of a document appointing Bhaya Harana Thāpā and others as subbā-s of Garhwal (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1059 A copy of a document re deputation of the personnel of Hanumānadhvaja Company to front (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1060 A copy of a document exempting personnel of Arjuna Bux Company from jhārā and other obligations (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1061 A copy of a document assuring officials of Hanumāna Dhvaja Company of 3-year term of service (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1062 A copy of a document re exemption of jhārā labor for construction of irrigation channels (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1063 A copy of a document ordering Kājī Dalbhanjī Paṇde to hand over rifles to Suberadāra Haṃsa Manī (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1064 A copy of an order to Subbā Kirtī Raṇa and Arjun Box Company re service under Kājī Ambar Siṃ Thāpā (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1065 A copy of a document ordering inhabitants of Arghau not to let cattle stray into fields (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1066 A copy of an order to Ḍiṭṭhā Lakṣmī Nārāyaṇa and other officials re construction of Chisapani fort (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1067 A copy of a document re jhārā obligations for construction of Chisapani fort (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1068 A copy of a order to amāli and other functionaries of Durluṅga re Raṇasura Baruvāla who had run away (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1069 A copy of a document re jhāra labor impressed in Manthali for construction of bridges (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1070 A copy of a document re jhārā obligations for construction of Chisapani fort (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1071 A copy of a document re gharabāri grant to Tikārāma Thāpā for reclamation of waste lands in Salyan (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0006_1072 A copy of document re jhārā labor impressed in Chitwan for constructing of Kavilāspura fort (VS 1864) 1864 VS
Displaying page 3319 of 4117; total number of records: 82336