Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 335 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_2781_0001 A document listing the expenditure involves in digging a well for the hospital (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0002 A document listing the expenditure involved in repairing the dispensary hospital (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0003 A document listing the expenditures involved in the construction of a caravanserai (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0004 A document listing of expenditure involved in renovating a primary school (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0005 A document listing the balance sheet of the Nāsikā Guthi of Sāṅgā (VS 1989) 1989 VS
E_2781_0006 A document listing the expenditure involved in constructing a bridge in Butavala (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0007 A document listing the balance sheet of digging a well for the detainees under the jurisdiction of the criminal court (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0008 A document listing the expenditure involved in the construction of a garage in Buṭavala Khasyaulī (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0009 A document listing the expenditure involved in the repair works of the house (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0010 A document listing the expenditures involved in constructing 14 culverts from Ramuvāpura (VS 2005) 2005 VS
E_2781_0011 A report from the Bandipura Revenue Office to the C-in-C/premier re cultivation of land with untraced tenants (VS 2001) 2001 VS
E_2781_0012 A comment from the Hill Administration to Bandipura Revenue Office re waiving of barren land (VS 2001) 2001 VS
E_2781_0013 An ādeśa from the premier directing Hill Administration to waive off revenue of barren land (VS 2001) 2001 VS
E_2781_0014 A report from Bandipura Revenue Office to the C-in-C requesting for waiving off revenue of uncultivated land (VS 2001) 2001 VS
E_2781_0015 A report from the West no. 3 Gośvārā recommending the premier/C-in-C to write off revenue and bring defaulting tenants to trial (VS 2001) 2001 VS
E_2781_0016 A bandhapatra from the signatories to inspection team confirming the affected land was uncultivated and tenants untraced (VS 2002, NS 1065) 2002 VS
E_2781_0017 An ādeśa from the premier to write off the arrears of the revenue (VS 2002) 2002 VS
E_2781_0018 A rukkā from Premier Juddha Śamśera directing the postal department to act as directed re the appointment of the new employees (VS 1990) 1990 VS
E_2781_0019 An executive order from Premier Mohana Śamśera delimiting the boundaries of land gifted to the daughter and granddaughters of Premier Juddha Śamśera (VS 2006) 2006 VS
E_2781_0020 A report from the hill administration instructing the commander-in-chief/premier to transfer land to the daughters and granddaughter's of premier Juddha Śamśera (VS 2005) 2005 VS
Displaying page 335 of 4117; total number of records: 82336