Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3351 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0009_0065 A document re appointment of cītāidāra for Taleju Temple Guṭhī land in Bhaktapur (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0066 A document re confirmation of guṭhīyāra for the guṭhī lands in Majhakirāta (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0067 A document re endowment of guṭhī land to finance additional expenditure at Gokarṇeśvara temple (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0068 A document re phikadāra birtā grant to a nurse (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0069 A document re sunābirtā grant for construction of a house (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0070 A document re saṃkalpa birtā grant to Gunānanda Arjyāla and others (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0071 A document re birtā bitalaba grant to Kājī Amara Siṃha Thāpā (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0072 A document re potā birtā grant to Sīrsīyā Vāḍā for providing services at the royal palace (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0073 A document re saṃkalpa birtā grants (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0074 A document confirming guṭhī land granted by former king of Doṭī (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0075 A document re saṃkalpa birtā grant (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0076 A document re land grant to Bhājudhana Vaidya for endowment as guṭhī (VS 1868) 1868 VS
RRC_0009_0077 A document re confirmation of guṭhī endowment made in Śrīnagara (VS 1868) 1868 VS
RRC_0009_0078 A document re confirmation of guṭhī endowment made for Badrīnātha temple by the former kings (VS 1868) 1868 VS
RRC_0009_0079 A document re mānācāvala grant (VS 1868) 1868 VS
RRC_0009_0080 A document re saṃkalpa birtā grant (VS 1868) 1868 VS
RRC_0009_0081 A document granting phikadāra birtā to Dārogā Baṃsamānī Lāmā (VS 1868) 1868 VS
RRC_0009_0082 A document granting saṃkalpa birtā to Kālīdāsa Miśra (VS 1868) 1868 VS
RRC_0009_0083 A document granting infertile land as kusabirtā bitalaba for the monastery in Saptari (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0009_0084 A document granting kusabirtā bitalaba to Mahanta Durgā Girī in Mahottarī district (VS 1867) 1867 VS
Displaying page 3351 of 4117; total number of records: 82336