Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
RRC_0013_0092M | A document recording land registered to Rāmadatta Rimāla on recommendation from Cāgu Amāla | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092N | A document recording 14 and odd ropanīs of land on recommendation of Ṭhimī Potā Tahasila | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092O | A document recording land on recommendation of Bhādgāun Potā Tahasila to Ṭuvāhāla's Ratnakumārī Josīnī | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092P | A document recording guṭhī land provided for śivālayas made in Mrgasthalī, Paśupati and Gokarṇa etc. | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092Q | A document recording three and odd ropanīs of chuṭa land registered to Com.-in-Chief Deva Śamśera | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092R | A document recording 31 ropanīs of guṭhī land dedicated to Rādhākṛṣṇa temple of Mṛgasthalī | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092S | A document registering birtā land due to the deposition made by Naṃdakumāri | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092T | A document recording unregistered four ropanīs of sunābirtā land registered to Yetakhā's Padmasīṃ | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092U | A document recording six and odd ropanīs of land registered to Maruhiṭi's Gopāla Dāsa | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092V | A document recording registration of 12 and odd ropanīs of land to Kathmandu's Kaṃ Vahāla's Bhāgavatabhakta Śreṣṭha | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0092W | A document recording two and odd ropanīs of Vajrayoginī Guṭhī land registered to Kelaṭola's Nīravahādura Varmā | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0093 | A note on a record from Bhādgāon Potā Bandobasta Dosrā Aḍḍā re 2641 ropanīs of land registered under potā tax system (VS 1953) | 1953 VS | |
RRC_0013_0094 | A note re land registration index of Kathmandu and Bhaktapura Potā Aḍḍā | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0095 | A note concerning Artha Maṃtrālaya Mālapota documents | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0096 | A document indexing potā tax exempted land documents of Bhādgāun Potā Bandobasta Dosrā Aḍḍā (VS 1953) | 1953 VS | |
RRC_0013_0097 | A document recording mānācāmala land granted within Bhādgāun following the report of Potā Bandobasta Paihlā Aḍḍā | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0098 | A document recording mānācāmala land registered to Viṃduratna of Mahmāche Ṭola | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0099 | A document recording land registered to Deujā Gaaun's Kṛṣṇa Bāhādura Ḍyaujā | 1953 VS | |
RRC_0013_0100 | A document recording land registered to Bābulāla Vaidya of Kilāgala (VS 1902) | unspecified unspecified | |
RRC_0013_0101 | A document recording land registered to Kulamāṃsiṃ Bhaḍārī Chetrī (VS 1909) | unspecified unspecified | |