Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3412 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0013_0182 A document concerning registration of land unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0183 A document recording two ropanīs of land registered to Cochetola's Kulanārān (VS 1953) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0184 A document recording tax exempted four ropanīs of guṭhī land granted to Śrī Taleju etc. by Queen Helamatī Devī (VS 1953) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0185 A document recording 13 ropanīs of land registered to Dīpadhvaja Khatrī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0186 A document recording seven ropanīs of pauvā guṭhī land registered to Takhela's Mahīnakesara and Raghuvīra unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0187 A document recording seven ropanīs of land registered to Jasodara Thapenī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0188 A document recording 30 and odd ropanīs of land dedicated by King Gīrvāṇayuddha in VS 1870 through a lālamohara 1954 VS
RRC_0013_0189 A document recording tax exempted land of Śrī Paśupatinātha Nitya Bhoga Guṭhī granted by King Surendra unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0190 A document recording a tax exempted kheta of Śrī Paśupatinātha Nitya Bāla Bhoga Guṭhī granted by King Surendra in 1894 VS unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0191 A document recording land granted by the prince for Śrī Paśupaninātha's evening āratī and naivedya unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0192 A document recording land retained by Premier Jaṅga Bāhādura for offering a goat to the deity etc. unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0193 A document recording 21 and odd ropanīs of land registered to Pūrṇavīkraṃ Thāpā Chetrī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0194 A document recording land registered to Paśupati Mṛgasthalī's Śrī Gorakhanātha Jogīcakra Śrīcakra Pūjā Guṭhī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0195 A document recording two ropanīs of land provided for the rituals of Śrī Bhīṃsīṃ and organising feast unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0196 A document recording six ropanīs of land registered to Hīmaḍola Thāpā unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0197 A document recording one and odd ropanīs of land registered to Kageśvarī's Jīvanātha Lāmichāne unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0198 A document recording 16 ropanīs of land registered to Bhaktapur's Sūryavināyaka Nitya Pūjā Guṭhī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0199 A document recording 268 and odd ropanīs of land registered to Śrī Paśupatinātha Nitya Naimitya Pūjā Guṭhī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0200 A document recording 12 and odd ropanīs of land registered to Javara Jaṃ Sāha unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0201 A document recording Kāgeśvara Mahāeva Nitya Pūjā Guṭhī land registered to Śivadatta Pādhyā unspecified unspecified
Displaying page 3412 of 4117; total number of records: 82336