Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3422 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0013_0382 A document from Pālpā Sarpaṭ Mahājāca Gośvārā Teshrā Aḍḍā recording registered lands 1953 VS
RRC_0013_0383 A document recording a deposition of 1955 re the kuśabirtā land granted by Pālpālī King Manamukunda Sena unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0384 A document from Sarpat Mahājāca recording syāhāmohara of Śrī 5 Mahārāja issued in 1809 VS 1955 VS
RRC_0013_0385 A document from Sarpaṭ Mahājāca recording registered birtā land unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0386 A deposition made by Birtāvāra Harikṛṣṇa Pādhyā et al. re the syāhāmohara from Śrī 5 Mahārāja Managandharva Sena (VS 1955) 1955 VS
RRC_0013_0387 A muculkā survey made by Lakṣmīdatta Pādhyā et al. re a copperplate issued by King Manarudra Sena 1953 VS
RRC_0013_0388 A deposition made by Mukhiyā Kulamāna Khatrī et al. re a copperplate issued by Śrī 5 Mahārājadhirāja Pṛthvī Sena Bahādura (VS 1955) 1955 VS
RRC_0013_0389 A record book of Duniṅā Guṭhī maintained by Pālpa Sarpaṭ Mahājāca Gośvārā Teśrā Aḍḍā (VS 1955) 1955 VS
RRC_0013_0390 A record book maintained by Pālpā Sarpaṭ Mahājāca Teshrā Aḍḍā listing 195 tenants refering a rukkā 1952 VS
RRC_0013_0391 A record maintained by Jājarakoṭ Nāpī Aḍḍā listing revenue from the land granted for a water mill (VS 1955) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0392 A document listing name of the districts etc. 1904 VS
RRC_0013_0393 A document recording revenue from the lands of "62 kharīdī" of Kathmandu etc. unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0394 A document recording land registered to Diṭṭhā Vīramāna Māske of Kathmandu unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0395 A document recording lands in various districts unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0396 A record book preserved following an order issued by Śrī Mahārāja Jaṅga Bahādura in VS 1931 1931 VS
RRC_0013_0397 A document from Icuṃ Sarpaṭ Mahājāca Aḍḍā recording ghāme birtā land to birtā land and its revenue 1997 VS
RRC_0013_0398 A document recording marauṭ birtā land registered to Mukhiā Rāmacandra Sāhī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0399 An application submitted to King Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama to retain mānācāmala grant to Nandalāla unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0400 A document from Artha Mālapota Sacivālaya instructing Birtā Phāṭ Aḍḍā re the meṭhavandī of the land unspecified unspecified
RRC_0013_0401 A lālamohara issued re a petition filed through Prime Minister Mohana Śamsera and Com.-in-Chief Babara Śamsera unspecified unspecified
Displaying page 3422 of 4117; total number of records: 82336