Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 348 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_2811_0047 An ordinance from the premier to the people to answer the questions posed by the enumerators (VS 2007) 2007 VS
E_2811_0048 An ādeśa from the premier instructing Dhanakuṭā District Office to take measures against poaching (VS 2000) 2000 VS
E_2811_0049 A rukkā from the premier directing offices in capital and outside to confirm, transfer, promote and dismiss officials as per their performance (VS 2000) 2000 VS
E_2811_0050 A rukkā from Premier Candra Śamśera tovillagers re to recruit persons for fighting against enemy of the British (VS 1972) 1972 VS
E_2811_0051 A rukkā of the premier instructing the Dhanakuṭā Court to act upon the pending litigation (VS 1996) 1996 VS
E_2812_0012 A document providing land for Gaganabhakteśvara Guṭhī (VS 1903) 1903 VS
E_2812_0013 A document from Vasantapura Tahabila acknowledging the receipt of Jaṅga Bahādura's payment to the royal family (VS 1902) 1902 VS
E_2812_0014 A nivedana patra from Raṇavīra Simha Thāpā and Dala Bhañjana Pāṇḍe to General Bhīmasena Thāpā (VS 1872) 1872 VS
E_2812_0015 A nivedana patra to king Gīrvāṇa re positioning of the troops at the places against the enemy (VS 1871) 1871 VS
E_2812_0016 A nivedana patra from Raṇavīra Simha Thāpā and Dala Bhanjana Pāṇḍe to General Bhīmasena Thāpā (VS 1872) 1872 VS
E_2812_0017 A nivedanapatra from Almorah by commanding officer to Kathmandu authorities re capturing fort of Kāṅgrā (VS 1866) 1866 VS
E_2812_0018 A nivedana patra by Bhaktavīra Thāpā and others re dacoity and plunder committed by the British (VS 1872) 1872 VS
E_2812_0019 A nivedana patra by Bhaktavīra Thāpā and others to the king re the triangular approach of the English (VS 1872) 1872 VS
E_2812_0020 A patra vyavahāra to General Bhīmasena Thāpā and Kāzī Raṇadhvaja Thāpā praying for deployment of troops (VS 1871) 1871 VS
E_2812_0021 A patra vyavahāra from the Southern Front to the Central Government re the enemy trespass on the soil of Nepal (VS 1872) 1872 VS
E_2812_0022 A patra vyavahāra by Bhairava Simha Thāpā re the movement of the troops (VS 1872) 1872 VS
E_2812_0023 A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing land for operating rituals of Gaganabhakteśvara (VS 1903) 1903 VS
E_2823_0014 A sales deed of a house and land (NS ? 66) ?66 NS
E_2823_0015 A bhūmivikrayapatra recording the sale of land (NS 538) 538 NS
E_2823_0016 A bandhapatra by King Yakṣa Malla (NS 588) 588 NS
Displaying page 348 of 4117; total number of records: 82336