Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3484 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0019_0415 A copy of a document re birtā bitalaba grant to Naina Jhā Paṇḍita in Mahottarī (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0416 A copy of a document appointing Hemakarṇa Lāmā as subedāra of Indradala Company (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0417 A copy of a document re payment of khānagī of junior queen mother from ijārā revenues of Bārā and Parsā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0418 A copy of a document re jhārā labor from Pācāsayakhola for construction of gunpowder factory in Nuwakot (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0419 A copy of a document directing Ḍiṭṭhā Lakṣṃī Nārāyaṇa Dahāla to scrutinize birtā and kipaṭa lands in Phāṭkasīlā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0420 A copy of a document re cumāvana exemption granted on receipt of pānaphula from birtā of Bārāha temple in Morang (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0421 A copy of a document re collection of cumāvana levy on birtā lands of Catarā Asthāna (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0422 A copy of a document re sending Subedāra Mahāvira Biṣṭa to Dhaka for purchasing goods (VS 1862) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0423 A copy of a document ordering Jasyā Khavāsa to catch wild elephants (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0424 A copy of a document re confirmation of kipaṭa lands of Ucumbā Rāī and others (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0425 A copy of a document re collection of cumāvana levy from government officials (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0426 A copy of a document re authorizing Najikī Īśvara Khatrī et al. to scrutinize lands customs offices and markets in Chainpur (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0427 A copy of a document re arrangements for the visit of rājā of Tanahũ (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0428 A copy of a document re confirming rights of Bala Sundara Thāpā to appropriate one-third of guṭhī income of Taleju temple (VS 1862) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0429 A copy of a document re maintenance and utilization of tracks in Balakoṭa (VS 1862) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0430 A copy of a document authorizing Rāma Candra Jaisi to reclaim wastelands in Rāgīnāsa (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0431 A copy of a document re unauthorized collection of sair duities on birtā lands of Cautāriyā Prāna Sāha (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0432 A copy of a document re confirmation of customs followed by Yāṃjara Gumbā (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0433 A copy of document summoning Subedāra Hānī Boharā to Kathmandu to report re Sikkim's situation (VS 1864) 1864 VS
RRC_0019_0434 A copy of a document re regulations on the use of irrigation facilities in Bārā and Parsā (VS 1864) 1864 VS
Displaying page 3484 of 4117; total number of records: 82336