Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3498 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0020_0197 A copy of document re Dinānātha Sāhī granted rājya in four pragannā-s in Dailekha previously utilised by Saṃgrama Sāhī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0198 A copy of document instructing the King of Ḍoṭī to enable Dinānātha Sāhī to take possession of the four pragannā-s in Dailekha (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0199 A copy of document appealing to people all over the country to make contributions to Śukrācārya Sarasvata Brahmaṇa (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0200 A copy of document exempting from unpaid labor etc. for fourty eight families of Nakadesha etc. in consideration of supply of fodder for horses of Queen of Siṃha Pratāpa Sāha (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0201 A copy of document directing Naina Siṃha Kārkī to supply indigo from stocks maintained in his custody in Mahottarī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0202 A copy of document re Bhāju Rāma Nevāra exempted from payment due to Caudharī of Gorkhā (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0203 A copy of document prohibiting Khas from marrying a Thakurī girl in Tarākoṭa (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0204 A copy of document instructing dārogā-s to send an elephant to Banāra-s to be gifted by King Raṇa Bahādura during solar eclipse (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0205 A copy of document prohibiting birtāvāra-s, jāgiradāra-s etc. of Rautahaṭa prohibited to appropriate Sair and Māhālāta revenues (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0206 A copy of document directing Subbā Rituvarna Pādhyā to repay loan due to Gajarāja Miśrā from revenues of six maujā-s in Rautahaṭa (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0207 A copy of document granting Subbā Rituvarṇa Pādhyā three years ijārā in Rautahaṭa which was previously held by Indra Vira Vaksī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0208 A copy of document issuing regulations in the name of Subbā Rituvarṇa of Rautahaṭa (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0209 A copy of document confirming Bṛhaspatī Girī as mahanta of Jhojhikaṭaiyā monastery in Korāḍī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0210 A copy of document ordering Bhānu Gaiḍā to pay back to the palace money illegially obtained by him from Mahanta Ambara Girī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0211 A copy of document re Chīlī region placed under Dāṅga principality in fullfillment of commitment made by King Pṛthvī Nārāyaṇa Sāha (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0212 A copy of document granting land in Gorkhā as Mayāyu to Padma Kumārī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0213A A copy of document directing Subbā Hasta Dala Sāha of Vijayapura, Moraṅga to supply herbs and drugs for treatment of King Girvāṇa (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0213B A copy of document directing officials of Thākaṭhīnī to supply items listed in document (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0213C A copy of document directing officials of Manāṅg to supply items listed in document (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0020_0213D A copy of document directing officials of Rautahaṭa to supply items listed in document (VS 1860) 1860 VS
Displaying page 3498 of 4117; total number of records: 82336