Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3510 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0020_0421B A copy of document confirming assignment to Purano Śrīnatha Company of lands confiscated from Yagnya Rati Paṇḍita (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0422 A copy of document re disbursement of revenues from fines imposed on Jaisī-s and Bhainsi-Puchahi levy (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0423 A copy of document re disbursement of revenues from fines imposed on jaisī-s and other levies (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0424 A copy of document ordering to handover runaway slave girls in Pyūṭhāna (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0425 A copy of document re inhabitants of areas between Himalaya-s and Māhābhārata etc. prohibited to leave their homesteads (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0426 A copy of document re jāgira lands of Bhaktvara Siṃha and others in Rautahaṭa confiscated in 1861 Sanwat, now restored (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0427 A copy of document re disbursement from ijarā revenues of Bārā and Parsā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0428A A copy of document re order to refund illegal levies collected in Bārā and Parsā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0428B A copy of document ordering to refuse illegal levies and declaring punishment for such misdeeds (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0428C A copy of document ordering to refuse illegal levies and declaring punishment for such misdeeds (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0429 A copy of document re redemption of books mortgaged by Lokanidhī Tivārī in Banārasa (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0430 A copy of document re collection of rents on lands confiscated during scrutiny (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0431 A copy of document re purchase of materials to be presented to Cautāriyā Prāna Shāhī from revenues of levy on copper inscriptions (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0432 A copy of document re assignment to army of lands confiscated during scrutiny in Sindhulī (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0433 A copy of document re additional regulations for scrutiny of birtā grants (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0434A A copy of document re procurement of wax for manufacture of cannon (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0434B A copy of document re procurement of wax for manufacture of cannon (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0435 A copy of document re appointment of Sundar Motī and others (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0436 A copy of document re purchase of old rice from Bārā and Parsā for royal palace (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0437 A copy of document granting a sum from ijārā revenue of Bārā and Parsā for construction of house for mother of Junior Queen (VS 1862) 1862 VS
Displaying page 3510 of 4117; total number of records: 82336