Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3542 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0021_0082 A document re complaint about encroachment on kipata land in Pallokirata (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0083 A document re false claim on japhatī lands cultivated by Harkadeva Thakālī in Gulmī (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0084 A document re dispute on pajanī rights of Rāi in Khotaṅga (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0085 A document re birtā land granted in Pālpā by Sena King confiscated in VS 1862 (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0086 A document re Jaisī denied commensal right for drinking liquor (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0087 A document re wrongful claim for payment of loan (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0088 A document re japhatī lands cultivated on rent wrongfully obtained for reclamation in Kāskī (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0089 A document re dispute of land between step-mother and step-son (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0090 A document re kāgate hulaki land in Cisapānī forcibly appointed (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0091 A document re complaint on encroachment on land in Udayapura (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0092 A document re dispute between two Limbu subbā-s in Mevakholā regarding encroachment on kipata holdings (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0093 A document re forcible resumption of lands given on rent in the form of meat in Jumlā (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0094 A document re demand for payment on land cultivated under kāgate hulāka tenure in Pālpā (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0095 A document complaining about misinformation on area of land holding in Pālpā (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0096 A document re request for restoration of mortgaged land on payment of rent in Syāṅjā (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0097 A document re reduced rent in Lamjuṅg (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0098 A document re complaint against mukhiyā for manipulation of revenue records (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0099 A document re order on visits of Nawab of Lucknow and Chief Commissioner to Naya Muluka unspecified unspecified
RRC_0021_0100 A document re forcible appropriation of crops registered subject to payment of serma in Gorkhā (VS 1921) 1921 VS
RRC_0021_0101 A document re complaint on forcible appropriation of crops on land grant for pacifying demons (VS 1921) 1921 VS
Displaying page 3542 of 4117; total number of records: 82336