Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3568 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0023_0126 A copy of a document recording appointment of Haridatta Upādhyāya as jeṭhā-buḍhā granting jāgīra lands (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0127 A copy of a document recording jāgīra land granted to Balabhadra Rana (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0128 A copy document ordering Parabala Rana to send comodities to be presented to Delhi subbā (VS 1853) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0129 A copy of a document recording mānā cāvala land granted to Lal Singh Gurung (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0130 A copy of a document recording marvaṭ land granted to Harikarṇa Khatrī, whose father was killed in battle with navāba at Kalsi (VS. 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0131 A copy of a document recording land granted in exchange to Dvāre Bhairab Singh (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0132 A copy of a document recording maravaṭ lands granted to sons of soldiers killed in action at Langargadh (VS 1853) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0133 A copy of the administrative regulations for Jumla in the name of Bhayaharan Thapa (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0134 A copy of a document appointing Paraśurāma Thāpā as a subbā of Jumlā on amāntā basis, replacing Jog Nārāyaṇa Malla, also appointed subedāra of local military unit (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0135 A copy of a document recording allocation of ijārā revenues from Patan for toṣākhānā expenses (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0136 A copy of a document retaining palāncoka bhagavati pujā guṭhī land originally granted by Jaye Jagata Malla to priest Suvarṇa Bāḍā (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0137 A copy of a document recording jāgīra lands granted to Machindra Khavāsa (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0138 A copy of an order issued to mineworkers of Jhingkhāni and other areas to pay up arrears due to Ijārādāra Rāmacandra Thapaliyā (VS 1853) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0139 A copy of a document recording khuvā land granted to Udaya Siṃ Bansyāta in Jarāyoṭāra (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0140 A copy of an order issued to amāli-s and other persons of Amboṭe and Rūpakoṭ Kāskī to reclaim waste lands and construct irrigation channels with jhārā labor (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0141 A copy of a document recording waste land grant on reclamation to Kāsīrāma Mahata and Rāmacandra Khatrī in Rūpakoṭ; Kāskī (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0142 A copy of an order issued to Paliṃ Siṃ and others land to accompany officials deputed to land survey in Kathmandu and Patan (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0143 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Bhayaharaṇa Thāpā of Jumlā to entice Śubhan Śāhī into the district, capture him and send him Kathmandu (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0144 A copy of an order issued to Kājī Dāmodara Pāḍe and Kājī Jahara Siṃ re the birtā land grant to Keśav Jaisi (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0145 A copy of a document recording guṭhī endowment placed under Sundar Nath (VS 1853) 1853 VS
Displaying page 3568 of 4117; total number of records: 82336