Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3578 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0023_0326 A copy of an order granting a house to Ardalī Suvedāra Haripāḍe (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0327 A copy of an order granting a house in Cāṃgu to Pītāmbara (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0328 A copy of an order granting a house in Ṭoṣā to Gautama Pāṭhaka (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0329 A copy of an order issued to Akaradhvaja retaining a souse granted by his mother (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0330 A copy of an order granting mānā cāvala land situate in Dhibikholā river bank to Lachumana (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0331 A copy of an order granting a house in Patan to Vavasa (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0332 A copy of an order issued granting a house to Siṃhavīra Thāpā (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0333 A copy of an order issued granting a house in Bhādgāon to Makuṃda (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0334 A copy of an order issued granting a house to Rāghu(dhu) Pāḍe (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0335 A copy of an order issued granting a house to Narapati Paṃtha (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0336 A copy of an order issued granting a house to Jasthā Khavāsa Darogā (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0337 A copy of an order issued granting a house to Ardalī Suvedāra Hari Pāḍe (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0338 A copy of an order issued granting a house in Kilāgala to Purana Sāhī (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0339 A copy of an order issued to the officers in Kathmandu directed not to obstruct movement of Ghee, oil, etc. supplied to the royal palace by Lakṣmaṇa Caudharī (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0340 A copy of an order issued regarding the land endowed for maintenance of the waterspout and worship Śrī Buḍhānīlakaṇṭha (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0341 A copy of an order appointing Śatrusāla as subedāra in Arimardan Company jāgīra lands assigned to personnel of this company (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0342 A copy of a rukkā imposing gādīmubārakha levy in Dailekha (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0343 A copy of an order imposing gādīmubārakha levy in Dullu (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0344 A copy of an order issued regarding the rents on serā lands paid as salaries to employees of the Manakāmanā temple in Gorkhā (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0345 A copy of an order issued regarding religious performance at Śrī Manakāmanā temple in Gorkhā (VS 1853) 1853 VS
Displaying page 3578 of 4117; total number of records: 82336