Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3583 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0023_0426 A copy of an order sent to amālī-s of mines in other areas directing to purchase iron for construction of Jagannātha temple in Kathmandu and casting of a big bell (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0427 A copy of an order issued granting Pākho lands to Newar on kut tenure in Khinchhet (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0428 A copy of an order issued to Sardāra Aṅgad regarding the construction of the Sindhulī fort (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0429 A copy of an order issued to dvāre and functionaries of Tilpung and other areas directing to assist Saradāra Angad and Subbā Arjun Karki in the construction of the Sindhuli fort (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0430 A copy of an order issued regarding the payment of salaries from ijārā revenues of Patan (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0431 A copy of an order issued retaining sevābirtā land to Sahajīta Rāi, originally granted as kipaṭa land (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0432 A copy of an order appointing Sinehī Dāsa in the tosākhānā (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0433 A copy of an order issued confirming sunābirtā land granted by Jai Nārāyāṇa to his grand daughter Candralakṣmī (VS 1853) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0434 A copy of an order issued to officials of various places regarding the jhārā labor impressed in Nuvākoṭ for construction of embankment on Tādī river (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0435 A copy of an order issued to amālīdāra of Khurkoṭ ordered to assist in construction of the Sindhuli fort (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0436 A copy of an order issued to dvāryā-us, mukhiyā-s and others instructing to assist in constructing a Sindhulī fort (VS 1853) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0437 A copy of an order issued to the porters prohibiting begārī labor for non-governmental purposes (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0438 A copy of an order issued to Mirdaha Mājhī regarding the elephant catching operations (VS 1853) 1851 VS
RRC_0023_0439 A copy of an order issued to inhabitants of Mahādevaṭāra and other areas to provide for the construction of Makavānpur gaḍhī (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0440 A copy of an order issued to inhabitants of Pāca Saye Kholā areas to provide for the construction of Makavānpur gaḍhī (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0441 A copy of an order issued to Subedāra Ahimāna Khavāsa regarding the arrangements for construction of Makavānapura gaḍhī (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0442 A copy of an order issued to the officiers in Makavānpur regarding the Makavānpur gaḍhī construction (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0443 A copy of an order issued to the dvāryā and other officers regarding the jhārā labor impressed for construction of a bridge (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0444 A copy of an order issued regarding the purchase of foodgrains in Saptarī and Mahottarī for supply to Sindhulī (VS 1853) 1853 VS
RRC_0023_0445 A copy of an order granting land to Abhicandra Prasāi on adhiyā tenure in Cainapura (VS 1853) 1853 VS
Displaying page 3583 of 4117; total number of records: 82336