Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 361 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_3004_0007 An usufructuary mortgage (VS 1944) 1944 VS
E_3004_0008 A patram from the Pokharā Tahasila (VS 1988) 1988 VS
E_3004_0009 A phaisalā of Sudhā Saundarya Keśarī Upādhyāya (VS 1984) 1984 VS
E_3004_0010 A phaisalā from Khagendrāja Paṇḍita (VS 1985) 1985 VS
E_3004_0011 A phaisalā of Pokharā Tahasila Aḍḍā (VS 1982) 1982 VS
E_3004_0012 A phaisalā of Janarala Pratāpa Śamśera Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā (VS 1983) 1983 VS
E_3009_0010 A document recording offering of a finial to Śrīmadiche after fire offering (NS 810) 810 NS
E_3013_0042 A goṣṭhiviṣayakapatra re dharma gvaṣṭi samuccayana unspecified unspecified
E_3015_0001 A letter from Rāhula Sāṃkṛtyāyana to Rājaguru Hemarāja Paṇḍita 1932 unspecified
E_3017_0002 A letter on a quarrel over missing Buddha statues from glang dgon pa unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0003 A letter from shangs pa dge ba to nam mkha' tshe dbang accompanying borrowed manuscripts unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0004 A letter between sman snga mchog and a bla ma re building and ownership of a house unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0005 A trade greement between rwo business men of Jumla and Dolpo unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0006 A letter to bla ma nam mkha' tshe dbang and a cha phrin las dbang mo regarding a loan unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0007 A letter from glang dgon pa reminding monks and nuns of ritual duties unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0008 A letter from shel sprul sku to nam mkha' tshe dbang stating the need for butter unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0009 A letter from bsam 'byor to nam mkha' tshe dbang regarding the sale of a house unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0010 A letter to sa skya bdung brgyud on the receipt of presents and money unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0011 A letter from shangs pa to villagers of bi spyer re donation of yaks and money unspecified unspecified
E_3017_0012 A document unspecified unspecified
Displaying page 361 of 4117; total number of records: 82336