Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3620 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0024_0216 A copy of an order re the five maujā-s in Bara kept separate from the area under jurisdiction of Subbā (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0217 A copy of an order directing the Amālī-s and Dvāre-s of Kaskī to protect Bikha plants (VS 1856) 14856 VS
RRC_0024_0218 A copy of an order directing the Amālī-s and Dvāre-s of Parbat, Galkot and Musikot to supply seven stacks of Bikha to the royal palace (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0219 A copy of an order granting Mahīndra Siṃ Newār ijārā land for collection of Nīrkhī (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0220 A copy of an order re the imposition of Nīrkhī tax in different areas (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0221 A copy of an order re the destruction of vultures in Listi and other areas (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0222 A copy of an order re the assignment of villages for the operation of saltpeter deposits (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0223 A copy of an order issued to Gaṃdharyā Sardāra re the payment of salary to Raṃgelā Ṣavāsa from proceeds of fines imposed on Jaisī-s (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0224 A copy of an order re the payment of salary to Sardar Bhakti Thapa from ijārā revenues of Kumaon (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0225 A copy of a receipt for payment of ijārā revenues from Bahragaun (VS. 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0226 A copy of a receipt for ijārā revenues from Kagbeni (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0227 A copy of a letter of appointment to Devīdatta Pāṭhak (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0228 A copy of an order re the ijārā grant to Sanai Mahtari for exploitation of saltpeter deposits in Mahottari (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0229 A copy of an order directing Umarāva of Sindhuli to receive supplies of saltpeter from Sonai Mehtari (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0230 A copy of an order re the arrangements for religious functions in borders from Bijayapur to Kumaon (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0231 A copy of an order granting chāpa land grant to Punyamātā in Taku (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0232 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to maidservant at royal palace in Palanchok (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0233 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Balabhadra Paṇḍita (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0234 A copy of an order re protection of forests in Budhsing (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0024_0235 A copy of an order appointing Munśī Mānikacanda as Kānugoi in Bara (VS 1856) 1856 VS
Displaying page 3620 of 4117; total number of records: 82336