Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3627 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0024_0355 A copy of an order confirming Seba Birtā Kipaṭa lands of Mijhāra-s in Sindhu (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0356 A copy of an order granting pasture lands to Garbhu (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0357 A copy of an order re the inheritance of property of Bhūpa Pratāpa Sen (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0358 A copy of an order confirming Kipaṭa lands to Mājhī-s of Chisapni-Ghat (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0359 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Hansa Mani Khavāsa (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0360 A copy of an order issued to Anirudha Pādhyā re the payment of salaries of Ranjit company (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0361 A copy of an order restoring Sebā Birtā Kipaṭa lands of inhabitants of Chisankhu (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0362 A copy of a document containing clearance of accounts of cash grants made to soldiers who fought the Chinese (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0363 A copy of an order re land granted as dowry by Śrīkṛṣṇa Jaisī Arjyāla to his daughter in Morang (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0364 A copy of document recording 16 Birtā land transactions in Kathmandu, Tokha, Patan and other areas (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0365 A copy of an order re jhārā labor impressed for repair of royal palace in Gorkha (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0366 A copy of document listing presents made to Chinese General Tung Thwang (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0367 A copy of an order re the jhārā labor impressed from Thimi and other villages for transportation of rice (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0368 A copy of a receipt for silver coins minted by Nursing Ṭakasārī (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0369 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Sahadeva Pādhyā re payment of salary of the Golaiñā Company (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0370 A copy of an order re jhārā labor for elephant catching operations (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0371 A copy of an order issued to Sarvajit Pāṃḍe and Kālu Pādhyā re the grant of rice to Govinda Pādhyā (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0372 A copy of an order issuing passport for Lāmā-s of Dharma (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0373 A copy of an order issued to the officials in Tanahu and Rising re the transportation of rifles (VS 1849) 1849 VS
RRC_0024_0374 A copy of an order issued confirming Sebā Birtā Kipaṭa land of Harṣmaṇi Rāi (VS 1849) 1849 VS
Displaying page 3627 of 4117; total number of records: 82336