Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3638 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0024_0574 A copy of an order granting mānācāvala land to Angad Khavāsa in Boḍe (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0575 A copy of an order re the eascheat property of Khas in Sataun (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0576 A copy of an order granting monopoly for procurement of wax in Gorkha to Bhānu Lāmā and Jagu Gurung (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0577 A copy of an order re disbursement from ijārā revenues of Ṭiṣṭung and Pālung (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0578 A copy of an order re assignment of in-kind rents from serā lands in Lubhu to Ram Singh Khavāsa (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0579 A copy of an order re marvaṭ land granted to Jaskarna Bhandari (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0580 A copy of an order re marvaṭ land granted to Karna Thapa (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0581 A copy of an order re marvaṭ land granted to Rudradhvaja Bhandari (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0582 A copy of an order re marvaṭ land granted to Atirāma Ghartī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0583 A copy of a receipt for payment of revenues from Bhādgāon (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0584 A copy of an order granting authority to Naran Buḍhā to prospect lead deposits in areas east of the Kali river (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0585 A copy of an order directing Śatru Śāha not to encroach on lands granted to Hira Khavāsa (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0586 A copy of an order exempting jagāta levies on materials required for religious functions at Bhādgaun's Taleju temple (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0587 A copy of an order appointing Mahāvīra Biṣṭa as a subedāra of Kālīdatta Company (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0588 A copy of an order re payment of salaries of the personnel of Candranātha Company (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0589 A copy of an order re payment of salaries of the personnel of Samarjang Company (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0590 A copy of an order to Jorāvara Khavāsa re disbrusement and transmission of revenues from Morang (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0591 A copy of a receipt for payment of darśanbheṭa revenues of Bhairav Company through Subbā Daśaratha Khatrī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0592 A copy of an order re ijārā grant to Nārāyaṇa Buḍāthokī for operation of mines and revenue collection in Phenam and other areas (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0593 A copy of an order confirming birtā lands granted to Deva Mani Nyaupāne by rājā of Jumlā (VS 1851) 1851 VS
Displaying page 3638 of 4117; total number of records: 82336