Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3662 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0025_0115 A document granting rhino and wild buffalo hunting rights to Sakra Jit Danuwar and Jai Krishna Danuwar (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0116 A document instructing Chitaidar Sita Ram of sera lands in Bhaktapur to repay loan of paddy given by Dal Jit Shah (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0117 A document granting homestead as mayabibirtā to Tula Ram Padhya (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0118 A document granting contract of pūjā guṭhī land in Bhaktapur to Basu Linga Jangam (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0119 A document instructing Juthya Kami and others to submit escheat property to the government (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0120 A document confirming the land sold by Malla king to Ram Chandra Dahal at Mulkot (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0121 A document providing salary to Durga Baksa Company from the revenue of newly occupied territories (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0122 A document recording assessment of taxes in newly occupied territories west of the Marsyangdi (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0123 A document granting kheta to Sri Krishna Shah (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0124 A document assigning Pūjā Guṭhī land at Sanga to Laxmi Narayan Achar (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0125 A document recording property transactions in Bhaktapur and Thimi (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0126 A document instructing amalidāras of Khinchyat and other areas to supply grass for the elephants at Nuwakot (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0127 A document ordering Rana Sur Pande and Bhakta Ram Dware to bring elephants from Kathmandu (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0128 A document granting bandha bitalaba land and homestead to Mahadeva Upreti in Chainpur (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0129 A document granting bandha land of Balabhadra to him as sarbanka bitalaba birtā (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0130 A document instructing Kāji Rana Sur Pande and Bhakta Ram Dware to hand over roses to Mana Gangal in Kathmandu (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0131A A document granting bandha land to Govind Pant (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0131B A document addressed to Ranasur Pande etc. 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0132 A document instructing birtā owners of 7 areas to pay kusahi-bisahi tax (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0133 A document instructing Kapardāra Sur Singh Rana and others to conduct dasain functions as in the past (VS 1842) 1842 VS
Displaying page 3662 of 4117; total number of records: 82336