Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
RRC_0026_0446 | A copy of order re tax collections in Sheoraj (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0447 | A copy of document granting waste lands in Sheoraj to Durgā Prasāda Caudharī for reclamation and resettlement (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0448 | A copy of order to Subbā Gosāī Śiva Baksa Purī re land tax remissions in Sheoraj (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0449 | A copy of order to local functionaries in Sheoraj re their perquisites under ṭhekathiti system (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0450 | A copy of document ordering Kājī Raṇadala Pāḍe to settle boundary between Sheoraj and Khajahani (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0451 | A copy of order to cultivators of Lāmācaur in Kaski to repair irrigation channels (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0452 | A copy of order to cultivators of Syangja to repair irrigation channels (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0453 | A copy of document granting kuta land to Dirgha Siṃha Thāpā in Pakaravāsa, Dolakha (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0454 | A copy of document re unit of Raṇabhīma company being placed under Kājī Raṇadipa Siṃha Basneta (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0455 | A copy of document ordering Sardāra Bhupāla Siṃha Thāpā to handover charge to Kājī Raṇadipa Siṃha Basneta (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0456 | A copy of document re Captain Bira Bhadra Kũvara being given charge of unit of Mehara Company (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0457 | A copy of document re Captain Bira Bhadra Kũvara being given charge of unit of Mehara Company and on replacing Kājī Kulamāna Siṃha Basneta (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0458 | A copy of order re tax collection and eviction in Nibhācoka, Dhading (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0459 | A copy of order re tax collection and eviction in Nibhācoka, Dhading (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0460 | A copy of document re appointment of mukhiyā-s in Bāīsakhuvā, Pyuthan (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0461 | A copy of order re ownership and tax payment of land cultivated by Bhaisyā Chopyā in Bāīsakhuvā, Pyuthan (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0462 | A copy of document re ṭheka grant to Bhavānī Tivārī for collection of mahāpatrī and jajamānī levies in Sheoraj (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0463 | A copy of order re assessment of ṭheka kuta rents on jāgira and hulāka lands (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0464 | A copy of document alloting jāgira lands in Parbat to Raṇabhīma Ghartī on ṭheka tenure (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
RRC_0026_0465 | A copy of document granting jāgira lands to Kusle caretakers of Viṣṇumatī bridge (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |