Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
RRC_0026_0586 | A copy of document granting darmāhā for musical instrumentalist (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0587 | A copy of document granting darmāhā to patariyā-s (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0588 | A copy of document granting darmāhā to patariyā-s (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0589 | A copy of document appointing porters to transport royal palace's good from Hetauda to Chitlang (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0590 | A copy of document re inheritance rights of widows of Rāma Sarmā Pādhyā Ācārya of Rampur, Palpa (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0591 | A copy of document re confirmation of bitalaba birtā lands granted by former Rāja of Parbat (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0592 | A copy of document granting ijārā for operation of iron mines and revenue collection in Majhkirat to Candra Vīra (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0593 | A copy of document granting jāgira lands in Majhkirat on ṭhekabandī tenure to Sobhitamāna Kārkī (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0594 | A copy of document re jāgira assignment to Śrīnātha Kaṃpu in Saptari (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0595 | A copy of document granting jāgira lands in Jatanpur on ṭheka tenure to Candra Vilāsa Upādhyāya (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0596 | A copy of document granting lands in Cainapura on ṭhekabandī tenure to Antarāma Majhiyā and Vijayapuryā Guruṃ (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0597 | A copy of document granting peṭiyākharca allowance to Sardāra Satrubhaṃjan Sāhī (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0598 | A copy of document re judicial arrangements for Doti (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0599 | A copy of document prohibiting grazing of cattle in the fields in Thimi (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0600 | A copy of document to officials of Thimi re forest protection (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0601 | A copy of document alloting jāgira lands to caretakers of orchard owned by General Raṇavīra Siṃha Thāpā (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0602 | A copy of document re ijārā granted to Karnavīra for Vāuṃna kuta lands in Dhading (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0603 | A copy of document assigning revenues from Bara, Parsa and Morang as jāgira to army (VS 1890) | 1890 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0604 | A copy of document re birtā lands of Bhāju Siṃha Bāḍā and others being acquired in Kathmandu for birtā grant (VS 1885) | 1885 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0605 | A copy of document confirming bā̃dhā lands of Bhikai Pādhyā in Chilī (VS 1885) | 1885 VS |  |