Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
RRC_0026_0767 | A copy of order to Sardāra Balabhanjana Pā̃ḍe re collection of tax arrears in the Koshi area (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0768 | A copy of order to officials of Morang to scruntinize claims for tax remission on jāgira lands (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0769 | A copy of order to officials of Sarlahi to scruntinize claims for tax remission on jāgira lands because of drought (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0770 | A copy of order to officials of Parsa and Rautahart to scruntinize claims for tax remission on jāgira lands because of drought (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0771 | A copy of order to officials of Saptari and Mahottari to scruntinize claims for tax remission on jāgira lands because of drought (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0772 | A copy of document re loss caused by drought in eastern Tarai districts to be shared equally by jāgiradāra, etc. (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0773 | A copy of document re social customs and regulations in Nakadeśa (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0774 | A copy of document permitting inhabitants of Nakadeśa to sell sunābirtā and aputālī homesteads and homesites (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0775 | A copy of document re gharabārī lands granted to Nandī Keśarī Pādhyā Kadela in Gorkha (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0776 | A copy of document re inheritance rights of Nevāra-s in the areas between Ānkhu and Gandaki (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0777 | A copy of document re prohibition to grant jāgira lands as birtā (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0778 | A copy of document re tax assessments in Bhasamthalī (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0779 | A copy of document appointing Kājī Narasiṃha Thāpā for revenue settlement in Pyuthan (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0780 | A copy of document informing jāgiradāra-s re appointment of Kājī Narasiṃha Thāpā for revenue settlement in Pyuthan (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0781 | A copy of document re lands granted on kuta tenure to Balakṛṣṇa Upādhāyāya in Sindhu (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0782 | A copy of document re tax assessments and prices in Chitwan (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0783 | A copy of document re lands and watermills in Sānogā̃u granted as jāgira to local nāike-s and other functionaries (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0784 | A copy of document re confirmation of Bāun Kuta lands granted to Raghu Upretī (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0785 | A copy of document re tax exemptions for beṅ garderners employed at Tāhācala gardens (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |
RRC_0026_0786 | A copy of document re repairment of irrigation channel in Patan (VS 1894) | 1894 VS |  |