Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
RRC_0027_0222 | A document re jhārā labor impressed for maintenance of suspension bridge in Raghavgāun (VS 1889) | 1889 VS | |
RRC_0027_0223 | A document re allocation of revenue from Palpa to pay Sardāra Dariyala Siṃha Basnyāt's salary (VS 1889) | 1889 VS | |
RRC_0027_0224 | A document re ijārādāras and tenants of bāunkuta lands to submit particulars of reclaimed lands (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0225 | A document re Hari Datta Bhatta reprimanded for extorting illegal taxes in Doti (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0226 | A document recording areas in Doti removed from jurisdiction of Hari Datta Bhatta (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0227 | A document prohibiting jāgiradāras et al. of Mahottari from appropriating sair duties from traders without authorization (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0228 | A document directing officials deputed to inspect hulāka services (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0229 | A document directing Cautariyā Jana Śāha and Kājī Bahādura Bhandari re taxation between Karnali and Doti-Achāma (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0230 | A document re restriction on jhārā labor exaction in Syārtān (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0231 | A document re Jagaden Raut and Jasivant Thāpā granted authority to exploit coppermines in Jumlā (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0232 | A document re jhārā obligation remitted for people employed in coppermines in Jumlā (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0233 | A document re order to submit particulars of lands assigned as jāgira to the army (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0234 | A document re allotment of jāgira lands to Yuddha Raṇa Jaṅg Śāha (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0235 | A document re grant of pasture lands alienated by kipaṭa owners to Vajīra Siṃha Thāpā (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0236 | A document re jāgira lands grant in Parbat to Raghuvira Khaḍka (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0237 | A document re jāgira lands grant in Ragināsa to Lakṣminarāyana (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0238 | A document re ṭheka grant to Atma Rāma on jāgira lands in Parbat (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0239 | A document re bāunkuta lands in Kheri granted on increased kuta payment to Bakavira Bhandari (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0240 | A document directing officials inspecting hulāka services not to procure free provision from kāgate and Thāpā hulākī workers (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
RRC_0027_0241 | A document re jāgira land in Salyan granted to Raghunātha for cultivation on kuta tenure (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |