Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3844 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0031_0058 A document directing Dvāre Sīva Nārāyaṇa Pādhyā et al. in Dumajā to take custody of adhiyā rents (VS 1902) 1902 VS
RRC_0031_0059 A document re compaint of hulākī workers of Mājhakirāta against encroachment on lands (VS 1902) 1902 VS
RRC_0031_0060 An order to dvāres et al. of Ṭokhā not to collect any taxes and levies from families assigned for rice transportation (VS 1902) 1902 VS
RRC_0031_0061 A document deputing Mohināike Aruna Nārāyaṇa to collect particulars of lands in Cā̃gu area (VS 1902) 1902 VS
RRC_0031_0062 A document appointing Raṇabhadra Siṃha Basneta as sardāra (VS 1898) 1898 VS
RRC_0031_0063 A document re grant of jāgira lands to Jaya Deva Panta of Gorkhā (VS 1898) 1898 VS
RRC_0031_0064 A document re grant of jāgira lands to Bhavānī Saṃkara Khanāla of Gorkhā (VS 1998) 1998 VS
RRC_0031_0065 A document re grant of jāgira lands to Harkha Arjyāla of Gorkhā (VS 1898) 1898 VS
RRC_0031_0066 A document appointing Abhimāna Siṃha Thāpā as kumedāna of Śrīnātha and Devīdala companies (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0067 A rukkā re remission of customs duties on goods supplied to Śrī Mehara Company by traders in Saptarī district (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0068 A rukkā re waste lands granted for reclamation to Mājhīs of Bamājoraghāṭa (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0069 A rukkā re ṭheka land grant to Raṇavīra Adhikārī in Rajasthala (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0070 A rukkā re confirmation of endowment of tanks as guṭhī in Rautahaṭa district (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0071 A rukkā re property rights of the Brahman widow Harīpriyā in Jājarakoṭa (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0072 A document appointing Rāma Vikrama Śāha as captain of Bardavāṇī Company (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0073 A document appointing Raṇa Dhvaja Pā̃ḍe as kumedāna of Bhairuṅ Company (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0074 A document appointing Harīlāla Upādhyāya as kharidāra in Śrīnātha and Bardvāṇī companies (VS 1899) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0031_0075 A document appointing Juga Rupa Khatrī as kumedāna of Śrī Torādala Company (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0076 A document appointing Kana Siṃha Mahata ās Captain of four adālata (VS 1899) 1899 VS
RRC_0031_0077 A document appointing Javara Kārkī as subedāra of Nayā Gorkhā Bux Company (VS 1899) 1899 VS
Displaying page 3844 of 4117; total number of records: 82336