Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3885 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0036_0256 A document re confirmation of traditional custom and usages in Manāṅg (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0257 A document informing officials of Ḍoṭī re confirmation of Mānika Caṃda as rajavāra (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0258 A document informing Mānīka Caṃda on his appointment as rajavāra in Ḍoṭī (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0259 A document re introduction of amānata system in Citavana (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0260 A document re amānata regulations for Citavana (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0261 A document re order to people of Garhwal not to leave territory (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0262 A document deputing Subedāra Raṇajita Bhanḍārī to investigate complaints of oppression in eastern Tarāī districts (VS 1865) 1865 VS
RRC_0036_0263 A document summoning Subbā Jayaṃta Khatrī to Kathmandu (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0264 A document informing Kājī Balanarasiṃha Siṃha and other officials re treaty with English (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0265 A document re revenue regulations for Citavana issued in name of Raṇajita Caudharī (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0266 A document informing Gajavala Bānīyā on his dismissal and replacement by Raṇajita Caudharī (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0267 A document informing traders in Madesa of Raṇajita Caudharī's appointment (VS 1865) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0268 A document directing Bhāju Māna to submit turmeric etc. to Kāṭha Bhaṇḍāra (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0269 A document re time limit for receiving mohara orders on chāpa, kuta or adhīyā grants (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0270 A document warning Subedāra Bhimasena Bānīyā not to allow Indians to come without permission (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0271 A document directing Bhājudhana Jhā to submit blackgram as prescribed under theka (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0272 A document re Bhāju Rāma et al.'s appointment as mukhiyās of barbers in Kathmandu Valley (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0273 A document re regulations for Pālpā issued in name of Ḍiṭṭhā Pitāmbara and Viṣṇupati Dāsa (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0274 A document re appointment of Pāneju as nāyaka in Lhāsā (VS 1873) 1873 VS
RRC_0036_0275 A document informing Nepālī traders in Lhāsā re appointment of Pāneju as their nāyaka (VS 1873) 1873 VS
Displaying page 3885 of 4117; total number of records: 82336