Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
RRC_0039_0221 | An order to caudharis and mokaddamās in Bārā to provide transport service for goods (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0222 | An order to Subbā Balabhanjana Pāṅde of Bārā to collect land taxes (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0223 | An order to jimidāra et al. of Bārā-Parsā to collect land tax (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0224 | A document re begara exemption to tenants of Gaṅgā Rāma Śāstri's birtā lands in Kumāun (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0225 | A document re tax exemptions on birtā bitalaba lands of Gaṅgā Rāma Śāstri in Kumāun (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0226 | A document granting ijārā revenue collection to Balabhadra Dāsa in Mahottari (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0227 | A document appointing Amara Siṃ Thāpā and his son as kājis (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0228 | A document in name of Bhaya Rāma and Śrī Kṛṣṇa re regulations for areas between Kāli and Bheri (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0229 | A document re land transactions in Bhaktapur (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0230 | A document re government appropriation of escheat property in Bhaktapur (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0231 | A sales deed of house in Bhaktapur to Jagata Siṃ Kumhāla (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0232 | A document re jhārā remitted on Jaṅga Bira Pāṇde's khuvā lands (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0233 | A document appointing Dhirjya at royal stalbes (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0234 | A document appointing Bhājudhana Mahādeva at royal stalbes (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0235 | A document confirming jāgira lands in Bārā to Gulimani Musahara (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0236 | A document confirming kipaṭa lands of Māna Siṃ Mijhāra in Baijugaun (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0237 | A document appointing Bhajudhana and Antarāma as caretakers of forests in Thotnekholā (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0238 | A document recalling Sardāra Parashurām Thāpā and other to Kathmandu (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0239 | A document appointing Maityā as mijhāra in Damauligāun (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |
RRC_0039_0240 | A document instructing Subedāra Narasiṃha Raghuvira Rāṇā to survey birtā lands (VS 1867) | 1867 VS | |