Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3964 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0040_0098A A document re rates of meghajina levy in Mājhakirāta (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0098B A document re land survey in Tinpāṭana (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0099A A document re instructions to diṭṭhās of hulāka potters (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0099B An order to Bhimsena Thāpā to provide jāgira land to porters (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0100 An order re khurpatyāka grants to tharagharas of Gorkhā (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0101 An order to Kāji Revanta Kunvāra re demarcation of jāgira holdings (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0102 A document appointing Jaspāu Thāpā as kāji (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0103 A document re judicial regulations for areas east of the Dudhkośi (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0104 A document appointing bicāris in the judicial regulations for areas east of the Dudhkośi (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0105 A document re judicial regulations for areas between the Kāli and Bheri (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0106 A document granting land to Pranapati Dāsa in Saptari (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0107 A document granting ijārā for reclamation of waste lands in Moraṅga (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0108 A document in name of Ḍiṭṭhā Benudatta Thāpā with regulations for Mahottari district (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0109 A document re restrictions on export of coins (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0110 A document re pasture land placed under Kapardāra Bhoṭu Pāṇde (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0111 A document re gharaganī tax exemption to mine workers (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0112 An order re disposal of complaints against subbā of Moraṅga (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0113 A document confirming tax remissions for Kulanandana Bhaṭṭa's house in Kathmandu (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0114A A document authorizing Subbā Achala Thāpā to operate market in Bhadaruvā (VS 1866) 1866 VS
RRC_0040_0114B A document authorizing Subbā Achala Thāpā to operate market in Bhadaruvā (VS 1866) 1866 VS
Displaying page 3964 of 4117; total number of records: 82336