Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 4008 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0042_0508 A copy of a document records the Dada Bahadur Rana garnted authority to collect revenues in Patan on amānata basis (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0509 A copy of a document records the land transaction in Patan (VS 1867) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0510 A copy of a document records the land transaction in Bhadgaun (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0042_0511 A copy of a document records the english merchant granted timber contract in Morang (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0042_0512 A copy of a document records the payment of salaries from ijārā revenue of Parbat mines and Beni mint (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0513 A copy of a document records the elephant granted to Darogā Jaisi Khatri in exchange (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0042_0514 A copy of a document records the Kalyan Chand appointed munsī in Morang (VS. 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0515 A copy of a document records the restrictions on collections made by jogī-s in Manthali and Pakarbas (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0042_0516 A copy of a document records the sale of house in Kathmandu (VS 1867) 1867 VS
RRC_0042_0517 A copy of a document re exemption granted to sālmī-s from payment in consideration of work in construction of temple at Kalamochan, Kathmandu (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0518 A copy of a document re appointment of Kasinath Padhya and Thakur Singh to collect revenues on guṭhī lands of Digutaleju Temple (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0519 A copy of a document records the payment of salaries from Sair revenues collected at Hitaura and Cisapani (VS. 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0520 A copy of a document re mine workers of Cakal Khani and Phalametar exempted from duties at Cakal Khani check post (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0521 A copy of a document records the gift of elephant to Sheikh Habibullah (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0522 A copy of a document records the purchase of clothing for army from proceeds of sale of elephant in Palpa (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0523 A copy of a document re data of timber contract of Kabir Baksa changed because of reduction in value (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0524 A copy of a document records the Kājī Ajambar Pantha and others ordered to supply rudrākṣa (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0525 A copy of a document records the sale of elephant to finance purchase of horse (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0526 A copy of a document records the measurements to prevent epidemic which had affected Eastern Tarai (VS 1875) 1875 VS
RRC_0042_0527 A copy of a document records the punishment to thieves and dacoits in Tarai distrct (VS 1875) 1875 VS
Displaying page 4008 of 4117; total number of records: 82336