Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 401 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_3453_0023 A bandhakapatra re Lakṣmī Śākyavaṃśa borrowing sum from Dhamju Vajrācārya of Ṅākhacūka (NS 931) 931 NS
E_3453_0024 A bandhaka-patra recording a loan of 535 ṭaṅkā-s against 2 rovas of land (NS 874, VS 1811) 874 NS
E_3453_0025 A bandhakapatra recording a loan of eight ṭaṅkā-s against one java of land (NS 888, VS 1825) 888 NS
E_3453_0026 A bandhakapatra recording a loan of 99 ṭaṅkā-s against 2 rova-s and 3 java-s of land (NS 899) 899 NS
E_3453_0027 A bandhapatra recording a loan of 101 ṭaṅkā-s against one and half rova-s of land (NS 913, VS 1850) 913 NS
E_3453_0028 A phārsapatra repaying a loan of 15 taṅkā-s (NS 856, VS 1793) 856 NS
E_3453_0029 A bandhakapatra recording a loan of 10 ṭaṅkā-s against one and half rova-s of land (NS 916, VS 1853) 916 NS
E_3453_0030 A ṛṇapatra recording a loan from Dāti Bhāro Daivajña to Lakṣmīdhara Śākyavaṃśa (NS 913, VS 1850) 913 NS
E_3453_0031 A ṛṇapatra recording a loan taken by Dhanabhāyā Vajrācārya from Rānimaṇi Mātrāju (NS 905, VS 1842) 905 NS
E_3453_0032 A ṛṇapatra re Lakṣmīdhara Bhāvo's borrowing of ṭaṅkās from Dhanamana Vajrācārya (VS 1884) 947 NS
E_3453_0033 A ṛṇapatra recording Dhaṃtasiṃha Bhāvo's borrowing of ṭaṅkās from Dhanamana Vajrācārya (VS 1886) 949 NS
E_3453_0034 A bandhakapatra recording a loan of 64 ṭaṅkās against two and half java-s of land (NS 919, VS 1856) 919 NS
E_3453_0035 A bandhakapatra recording the mortgage of land by Dhana and Dhanapati Śākyavaṃśa to Guṇajoti Śākyavaṃśa (VS 1881) 944 NS
E_3453_0036 A bandhaka-patra recording a loan of six taṅkās against two java-s of land (NS 923, VS 1860) 923 NS
E_3453_0037 A bhogabandhakapatra recording loan of 18 ṭaṅkā-s against two java-s of land (NS 918, VS 1855) 918 NS
E_3453_0038 A ṛṇapatra for borrowing money by Lakṣmī Śaṅkara Bhāvo from Dhaṃju Vajrācārya (VS 1865) 1865 VS
E_3453_0039 A bhogabandhakapatra re the mortgage of land by Kṛṣṇavṛddhi Vajrācārya for borrowing ṭaṅkās (VS 1878) 941 NS
E_3453_0040 A document re the ṭaṅkās borrowed by Lakṣmīdhara Bhāvo from Dhanamana Vajrācārya (VS 1883) 946 NS
E_3453_0041 A bhogabandhaka-patra recording a loan of 9 ṭaṅkā-s against land (NS 909, VS 1846) 909 NS
E_3453_0042 A bandhakapatra recording a loan of six ṭaṅkā-s, three śukā-s, three paisā-s and one dāma against one rova of land (NS 921, VS 1858) 921 NS
Displaying page 401 of 4117; total number of records: 82336