Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 4026 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0052_0102 An order to the officials to supply knives gifted to Jita Jaṅga Rāṇā (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0103 An order re charge of Silakhānā office during the prime minister's visit to the Mahākālī region (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0104 An order to Pulacoka Bārudakhānā officials re gunpowder transport during the prime minister's to the Mahākālī region (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0105 An order to the Aminī Gośvārā re dispute over land granted on three year ṭheka (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0106 An order instructing re procedures of delivering judgement (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0107 An order re exemption for sending brimstone and gunpowder for royal weddings (1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0108 An order to Patanā Alaicī Koṭhī re marriage ceremony at the royal palace (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0109 An order to the custom officer re tax exemption for specified supplies to the royal palace (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0110 An order to Lt. Raghuvīra Śreṣṭha to submit report re suitable tenure for copper mines in Māluṃ (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0111 An order to officers to arrest Śrī 5 Māhilā Sāhebajyu (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0112 An order to an officer to lend a sum for timberworks (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0113 An order to Capt. Nīhāla Siṃ Thāpā Chetrī re preservation of Śrīcaṇḍeśvarī forest and prohibition of hunting (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0114 An order to the officer to arrest ṭaksāra contractor in the western region for not paying dues (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0115 An order re gādīmubārakha tax on baṭṭā birtā land (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0116 An order re cancellation of a previous order to officers in Dang et al. (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0117 An order waiving fine for not following the deadline of Pālpā Tosākhānā (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0118 A document re order to the tax payers in Kerung (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0119 A document re order to the Kancanpura Māla to collect gādīmubāraka levy (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0120 An order re cancellation of a sanada on fine for destroying of hemp (VS 1942) 1942 VS
RRC_0052_0121 An order to the officer to buy lead through Kausī office from mines (VS 1942) 1942 VS
Displaying page 4026 of 4117; total number of records: 82336