Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 4104 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0081_0084 A copy of a document issuing regulations in the name of Khacānji Śiva Prasāda Adhikāri for trade in the golas of eastern Nepal (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0085 A copy of a document re the passport rules for Sindhuli-Gadhi (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0086 A copy of a document instructing dvāryā and others of Khaṃcyata to protect forest (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0087 A copy of an order instructing Ḍiṭṭhā Siva Prasāda to provide official letterhead to Lāṭha Sāheba in Kalakatta through Amīra Munsī Lakṣmī Prasāda (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0088 A copy of a document to General Kedāra Narasiṃha Kunvāra re the rāja of Balarāmapura permitted to stay in Butawal (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0089 A copy of a document re the rents on jāgira lands located in the rājya of Kāski-Lamjuṅg (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0090 A copy of a document granting jāgira lands to soldier Manu Rāṇā who still remained absent without leave (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0091 A copy of a document granting riverine lands in Ṭhimi in exchange for birtā confiscated (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0092 A copy of a document to the people of Pālpā re the construction of suspension bridge in Pālpā (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0093 A copy of a document instructing Tapasi Rati Nātha to protect forest in monastery in Pyuṭhāna (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0094 A copy of a document re the jāgira lands for dangols in Kathmandu and Ṭokhā (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0095 A copy of a document re the completion of particulars of Rāja Guṭhī endowments in western Nepal (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0096 A copy of a document re the kāgate hulāka services between Pilunghāta and Udayapura-Gaḍhi (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0097 A copy of a document to the jimmāvāla and others of Musikoṭa and elsewhere to conscription people to the army (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0098 A copy of a document from Śrī 5 Sarkāra reconfirming chāpa holding of Jagadipeshvari Thāpā (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0099 A copy of a document granting ṭhekkā chāpa included in bekha holding to Basnyāta family in Palāncoka (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0100 A copy of a document re the porterage services for Tibetan official (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0101 A copy of a rules re remission of land taxes on damaged lands in Moraṅga district (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0102 A copy of a document appointing Captain Catur Āle to collect rents in Kāski (VS 1914) 1914 VS
RRC_0081_0103 A copy of a document ordering Ḍiṭṭhā Siva Prasāda to provide official letterhead of Śrī 5 through Captain Dala Kesara Bogaṭī (VS 1914) 1914 VS
Displaying page 4104 of 4117; total number of records: 82336