Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 4110 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0081_0204 A copy of a document instructing Commanding General Badri Narsiṃha Kunvāra Rāṇā to organize a tour for Prime Minister Juṅga Bahādura in Navalpur (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0205 A copy of an order re the management of golas in eastern Nepal (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0206 A copy of an order to dvāryā and others to construct a road in Thānkoṭa (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0207 A copy of document records dispute re land ownership in Kā̃ski (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0208 A copy of a document re Timber export trade in Moraṅg taken over for amānata management (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0209 A copy of a document re the right to freedom wife and children from slavery (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0210 A copy of a document re the Rāja of Mustāṅg permitted to appropriate customary levies (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0211 A copy of an order to General Badrinarasiṁha re amānata management of timber export trade (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0212 A copy of a document to Mahanta Rājeśvara re the amānata management of Chatra golā (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0213 A copy of an order to Captain Raghubira Thāpā re amānata management of golās in eastern Nepal (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0214 A copy of a judgement delivered to lieutenant colonel Dalajit Biṣṭa regarding the dispute on dāijo birtā land (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0215 A copy of a document exempting jagata tax on in kind rents collected from the jāgira of General Bakhata Juṅg Rāṇā (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0216 A copy of an order to colonel DIlli Siṃha Basnyāt for the supply of four hundred dhārnī of resin collected for ammunition (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0217 A copy of sale deed of house in Kathmandu to Amir Munsi Lakṣmī Dāsa (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0218 A copy of a document providing jāgira land for cultivation to Bakabira Kumāra and Kesara Kumāra in Kāśki (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0219 A copy of a document re remission of supplies lost during fighting at Nāvāfaguṅja (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0220 A copy of a document instructing Subā Gajamāna and others to collect the jāgira revenue from kipaṭa lands in Chathara (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0221 A copy of a document granting ṭheka to Mukhiyā Vālānanda Pāṇde and others for revenue collection on jāgira holding in Garhun (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0222 A copy of a document re the procurement of dogs from Ḍoṭi (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0081_0223 A copy of a document to Mukhiyā Cakrapānī Upādhyāya re the reinstatement of mukhiyā in Lamjuṅg (VS 1915) 1915 VS
Displaying page 4110 of 4117; total number of records: 82336