Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
K_0013_0046 | A lālamohara from King Rajendra appointing Cetana Giri and Kamala Bhāratī as the priests and Sarvarāja Giri as the manager of Śrī Candananātha (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0047A | A lālamohara from King Rajendra appointing Viṣṇu Kānta Pādhyā and Deva Bhakta Pādhyā as the priests of Sāngācoka's Śrī Kacalādevi and Śrī Kālikādevi (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0047B | A lālamohara of King Rājendra appointing Bhavāni Girī as a priest (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0047C | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Manoharanātha Jogī as priest at Deupura's Śrī Mukundanātha (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0047D | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Kālu Gotāme as the priest of Dang's Śrī Ambeśvarī (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0048A | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Brahmanātha as priest at Phalāvāṅ's Śrī Ratnanātha (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0048B | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Amṛtanātha Jogī to perform rituals at Dāṅga's Śrī Ratannātha (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0048C | A lālamohara from King Rājendra to Jumlā's tax-collector re to pay a sum to Jayamani Upādhyā Dhitāla for reciting holy texts (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0049A | A rukkā from King Rājendra directing tax-collector of Jumlā re payment of court fees to Balabhadra Pādhyā et al. (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0049B | A lālamohara from King Rajendra re land for operating trust of caravansarai and conducting rituals of Śrī Nārāyaṇa (VS 1891) | 1891 VS | |
K_0013_0049C | A lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇa donating land to Kālidāsa Aryāla for warding off evils caused by the conjunction of planets (VS 1871) | 1871 VS | |
K_0013_0050A | A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing Śiva Barai authority to operate Pāna Guṭhī of Śrī Taleju (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0013_0050B | A lālamohara from King Rājendra allocating land for erecting the image of Śrī Śiva (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0013_0050C | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Tārāpati Pādhyā as priest of Ligaliga Maulā (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0013_0051A | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Śridhara Bhaṭṭa and Gaṇeśa Bhaṭṭa as priests of Sūrya Vināyaka (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0013_0051B | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Govinda Girī to conduct rituals of Bihāreśvara etc. of Mājha Kirāta (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0013_0051C | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Raghunātha Dāsa as abbot of Simardahi Maṭha (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0013_0051D | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Sravaṇadāsa Vairāgī as the priest of Matsyagāon's Matsyanārāyaṇa Guṭhī (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0014_0001A | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Gosāĩn Bandhu Girī to conduct the routine rituals of Bārā's Śrī Bhairava (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |
K_0014_0001B | A lālamohara from King Rājendra approving a trust founded by Naranārāyaṇa Nevāra (VS 1880) | 1880 VS | |