Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 567 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0037_0004 An executive order from Gen. Bhīma Śamśera directing Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā to collect the rent from Heṭauda's Pauvā Guṭhī land (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0037_0005 An executive order from Gen. Bhīma Śamśera directing the staff of Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā to collect rent from Jaṅgahiraṇyahemanārāyaṇa Guṭhī land (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0037_0006 An executive order from Gen. Bhīma Śamaśera directing guṭhī staff to perform the rituals of Jagerā Guṭhī (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0037_0007A An executive order from Gen. Dhīra Śamśera providing land for Mṛgasthalī's Śrī Rakṣeśvara Raṇabaleśvara rituals (VS 1937) 1937 VS
K_0037_0007B A document re the land owned by Cāngunārāyaṇa Guṭhī for operating the rituals of the deities (VS 1937) 1937 VS
K_0037_0008 An executive order from Premier Raṇa Uddīpa Siṃha providing land as an endowment for performing the rituals of 15 Śivālayas (VS 1934) 1934 VS
K_0037_0009A A deposition made by Gajamāna presenting the balance sheet of Śrī Jagannārāyaṇa Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0009B A deposition made by Gajamāna re the income etc. of Śrī Jagannārāyaṇa Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0010 A document from Gaṇesa Kumāri dedicating land situated at Balkhu for operating the rituals Mṛgasthalī's Gorakhanātha (VS 1906) 1906 VS
K_0037_0011A A balance sheet of Śrī Jaṅganandaprakāśeśvara Guṭhī from Guṭhī Administration to General Deva Śamaśera (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0011B A document from Ḍiṭṭhā Siddhimāna to Gen. Deva Śamaśera re the operations of Śrī Jaṅganandaprakāśeśvara Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0011C A deposition from Ḍiṭṭhā Siddhimāna re the balance sheet of Jaṅganandaprakāśvara Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0012B A report from Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā to the C-in-C re operation of Vīrabhadreśvara Vīravināyaka Guṭhī (VS 1959) 1959 VS
K_0037_0012C A deposition made by Saicā Kusle before Guṭhī Bandobasta re his remuneration for sweeping the premises of Śrī Vīravināyaka (VS 1959) 1959 VS
K_0037_0012D A deposition made by Govind Khatṛ re paying rent of the guṭhī land to Saica Kusle and Buddha Lakṣmī Kusleni (VS 1959) 1959 VS
K_0037_0012E A statement made by Buddha Lakṣmī Kusleni with Guṭhī Bandobasta re receiving remuneration from Govinda Khatri (VS 1959) 1959 VS
K_0037_0013A A deposition made by Padmanātha Pādhyā before Guṭhī Administration Office re holdings of Rakṣeśvara Raṇabaleśvara Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0013B A deposition made by Padmanātha Pādhyā before Guṭhī Bandobasta re holdings of Śrī Rakṣeśvara Raṇabaleśvara (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0014A A bond made by Keśavanārāna Vaidya with Guṭhī Bandobasta re operation of Mṛgasthalī's Śrī Viśvarūpa Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0037_0014B A deposition made by Keśava Nārāyaṇa Vaidya with Guṭhī Bandobasta re the balance sheet of Viśvarūpa Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
Displaying page 567 of 4117; total number of records: 82336