Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 594 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0046_0027 A bond entered into by the tenant of Hiṭicoka Guṭhī re his willingness to pay the rent of the guṭhī land (VS 1986) 1986 VS
K_0046_0028 A bond entered into by the tenant of Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī re his willingness to pay the rent of the guṭhī land (VS 1986) 1986 VS
K_0046_0029 A document instructing Guṭhī Lagata to collect the rent on the basis of the bond made by the tenants of Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1986) 1986 VS
K_0046_0030 A document directing the guṭhī to take delivery of three documents concerning Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1987) 1987 VS
K_0046_0031 A document from Guṭhī Lagata to Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī sending 7 documents of the said guṭhī (VS 1980) 1980 VS
K_0046_0032 A note from Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā directing Guṭhī Lagata to act according to law re the rent of Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī land (VS 1976) 1976 VS
K_0046_0033 A bond made by Janaka Rāja Jośī with Guṭhī Lagata re the rent payable to Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1975) 1975 VS
K_0046_0034 A judgement delivered by the court of nobles re the concealment of land attached to Hitīcoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1981) 1981 VS
K_0046_0035 A bond entered into by Atala Simha Lāmā with Guṭhī Lagata re the land attached to Hiticoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1982) 1982 VS
K_0046_0036 A document from Guṭhī Lagata directing Mangala Lāla Rācala to take over the land attached to Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1988) 1988 VS
K_0046_0037 A note from Guṭhī Lagata to Dolakhā Revenue Office to act according to the judgement of the court re Hiṭicoka Sadāvarta Guṭhī land (VS 1982) 1982 VS
K_0046_0038 A document from Premier Bīra Śamśera concurring with General Administration re substituting Vāyudevatā Guṭhī land (VS 1947) 1947 VS
K_0046_0039 A lālamohara from King Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama appointing Devī Prasāda Sāha as the priest of Vāyudevatā Guṭhī (VS 1943) 1943 VS
K_0046_0040 A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing land for performing the rituals of Śrī Vāyudevatā (VS 1894) 1894 VS
K_0046_0041 A document from King Rājendra appointing Virabhadra Dhamalā to operate Hanumānaḍhokā's Vāyudevatā Guṭhī (VS 1896) 1896 VS
K_0046_0042 A lālamohara from King Tribhuvana providing substitute land to Vāyudevatā Guṭhī (VS 1987) 1987 VS
K_0046_0043 An order from the court directing Guṭhī Lagata to send all the documents concerning Vāyudevatā Guṭhī to the civil court (VS 1970) 1970 VS
K_0046_0044 A document instructing Guṭhī Bandobasta to collect fees from Devī Prasāda Śāha (VS 1950) 1950 VS
K_0046_0045 A petition by Indra Vira Jyāpu to the premier that Vāyudevatā Guṭhī land be rent-exempted (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0046_0046 An application by Cautaria Yakṣa Vikrama Śāha to the premier re Vāyudevatā Guṭhī land (VS 1966) 1966 VS
Displaying page 594 of 4117; total number of records: 82336