Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 633 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0058_0039 A document directing the persons concerned to conduct the Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1897) 1897 VS
K_0058_0040 A document from Sirāhā Revenue Office to Guṭhī Lagata re Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī land converted into rent-free holdings (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0058_0041 A document from Sirāhā Revenue Office informing Guṭhī Lagata to gather all relevant information re Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1963) 1963 VS
K_0058_0042 A petition from Sukucā Jyāpu to the Premier against the decision to pay rent by tenants to Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0058_0043 A document recording land attached to Paśupati Mahāsnana Guṭhī and affected by conversion into a target-practising ground (VS 1973) 1973 VS
K_0058_0044 A bond made by Sundara Lāl Dāsa re Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī land converted into rent-free holdings (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0058_0045 A document from Guṭhī Lagata directing Kumārīcoka to send a copy of finding re water-mill tax levied by Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0058_0046 A document re water-mill yielding tax for Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0058_0047 A document from Guṭhī Lagata directing Kumāricoka to send a copy of report re water-mill attached to Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0058_0048 A deposition made by Nhuche Narayana Manandhar re land attached to the Paśupati Sadāvarta Gutḥī (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0058_0049 A document describing and defining land attached to Paśupati Sadāvarta (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0058_0050 A bond made by Nhuche Nārāyaṇa Manandhar re land attached to the Paśupati Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1964) 1964 VS
K_0058_0051 A bond by Harkha Nārāyaṇa Dhoubhadel re assets, expenditure etc. in operation of the Guhyeśvarī Guṭhī (VS 1944) 1944 VS
K_0058_0052 A catalogue of Guhyeśvarī Kāgeṣṭhmī Guṭhī from manager of trust to Guṭhī Bandobasta (VS 1963) 1963 VS
K_0058_0053 A bond by the tenants re Guhyeśvarī Nitya Pūjā Guṭhī land (VS 1977) 1977 VS
K_0059_0001 A document acknowledging receipt of the Guhyeśvarī Nitya Pūjā Guṭhī land (VS 1982) 1982 VS
K_0059_0002 A document acknowledging receipt of the Guhyeśvarī Nitya Pūjā Guṭhī rent (VS 1978) 1978 VS
K_0059_0003 A note from Guṭhī Lagata to Guṭhī Tahasila re tenants of the Guhyeśvarī Nitya Pūjā Guṭhī (VS 1983) 1983 VS
K_0059_0004 A bond by tenants of Kāgeṣṭamī Pūjā Guṭhī agreeing to pay rent (VS 1983) 1983 VS
K_0059_0005 A bond by three tenants of Guhyeśvarī Nitya Pūjā Guṭhī re paying rent according to assessment (VS 1983) 1983 VS
Displaying page 633 of 4117; total number of records: 82336