Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 709 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0079_0008A An executive order from King Raṇa Bahādura appointing Khovelagāḍā as priest of Hanumāna (VS 1850) 1850 VS
K_0079_0008B An executive order from Premier Jaṅga Bahādura appointing Daṇḍapani Vaidya to operate Hanumāna Guṭhī (VS 1912) 1912 VS
K_0079_0008C An executive order from a royal collateral directing the treasury to make a fund available for feeding Brahmins (VS 1932) 1932 VS
K_0079_0009 A document on the Nepali translation of the Indracoka Maṭha dedicated to Śrī Gorakhanātha (NS 844) 844 NS
K_0079_0010 A document providing dedicates land to the Śrī Gorakhanātha (NS 844) 844 NS
K_0079_0011 A document from King Jaya Prakāśa Mālla providing a house to Indracoka Maṭha Guṭhī (NS 884) 884 NS
K_0079_0012 A document from King Jaya Prakāśa Malla providing a house to Śrī Gorakhanātha (NS 884) 884 NS
K_0079_0013 A document recording Jujudhana Munākarmi's mortgaging land for a sum borrowed from Cakrapāṇi (VS 1911) 1911 VS
K_0079_0014 A document recording Siddhimāna Jośī's mortgage of land for a sum borrowed from Viṣṇunārāyaṇa Śreṣṭha (VS 1934) 1934 VS
K_0079_0015 An executive order from King Rājendra retaining the Indracoka Maṭha Guṭhī (VS 1897) 1897 VS
K_0079_0016 An executive order from King Gīrvāṇa retaining the trust of the Indracoka monastery (VS 1866) 1866 VS
K_0079_0017A A document from King Jaya Prakāśa Malla providing a house to Śrī Gorakhanātha (NS 884) 884 NS
K_0079_0017B A sales deed by Chatra Simha Bhāro (NS 884) 884 NS
K_0079_0018 A document recording Raṭnamāna's mortgage of a shop for a sum borrowed from Cakrapāṇi (VS 1921) 1921 VS
K_0079_0019A An executive order from the Premier appointing Śamśera Purī as abbot of Godāvari's Godāvari Maṭha (VS 1926) 1926 VS
K_0079_0019A An executive order from the Premier appointing Śamśera Purī as abbot of Godāvari's Godāvari Maṭha (VS 1926) 1926 VS
K_0079_0019B An executive order from King Gīrvāṇa providing land for Godavari's Akṣalā Guṭhī (VS 1867) 1867 VS
K_0079_0019B An executive order from King Gīrvāṇa providing land for Godavari's Akṣalā Guṭhī (VS 1867) 1867 VS
K_0079_0020 An executive order from King Rājendra providing land for musical instrumentalists and guards of Bālakumārī temple (VS 1898) 1898 VS
K_0079_0021 An executive order from King Surendra appointing Narasiṃha Dāsa Bābājī as the priest of Nārāyaṇahiṭī's Śrī Nārāyaṇa (VS 1929) 1929 VS
Displaying page 709 of 4117; total number of records: 82336