Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 714 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0080_0030B A document recording ornaments and vessels dedicated to Śrī Ṭaṅkeśvara Mahādeva (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0080_0030C A document recording ornaments and vessels dedicated to Śrī Ṭaṅkeśvara Mahādeva (VS 1947) 1947 VS
K_0080_0030D A document recording ornaments and vessels dedicated to Śrī Ṭaṅkeśvara (VS 1948) 1948 VS
K_0080_0030E A document recording ornaments dedicated to Śrī Ṭaṅkeśvara Mahādeva (VS 1949) 1949 VS
K_0080_0030F A catalogue of ornaments and vessels dedicated to Śrī Ṭaṅkeśvara Mahādeva (VS 1950) 1950 VS
K_0080_0030G A document recording ornaments dedicated to Śrī Ṭaṅkeśvara not listed during the previous count (VS 1951) 1951 VS
K_0080_0031A A catalogue of Raṇamukteśvara Guṭhī prepared by trustees (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0080_0031B A record of assets offered to Raṇamukteśvara Guṭhī (VS 1947) 1947 VS
K_0080_0032 A statement recording assets of Śrī Raṇamukteśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī (VS 1943) 1943 VS
K_0080_0033 A statement made by priest etc. re assets of Raṇamukteśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī (VS 1937) 1937 VS
K_0080_0034A A catalogue of vessels and ornaments offered to Hmaipī Jogāmvara (VS 1944) 1944 VS
K_0080_0034B An inventory of vessels and ornaments offered to Hmaipī Guṭhī (VS 1945) 1945 VS
K_0080_0034C A document recording ornaments and vessels offered to Hmaipī Guṭhī (VS 1946) 1946 VS
K_0080_0034D A document recording ornaments and vessels offered to Hmaipī Guṭhī (VS 1947) 1947 VS
K_0080_0034E A document recording ornaments and vessels offered to the deity (VS 1948) 1948 VS
K_0081_0001 A catalogue of ornaments and vessels dedicated to Hāratīmāi of Svayambhū (VS 1940) 1940 VS
K_0081_0002 A catalogue of the ornaments and vessels offered to Hāratīmāī (VS 1934) 1934 VS
K_0081_0003 A lālamohara from King Surendra exempting from corvee to Parsā's Rādhākṛṣṇa Guṭhī land (VS 1931) 1931 VS
K_0081_0004 A lālamohara from King Surendra empowering Khaḍga Bahādura to operate Parsā's Śrī Rādhākṛṣṇa Guṭhī (VS 1931) 1931 VS
K_0081_0005 An executive order from Premier Bīra directing the trustees and the preist of Sūryapantadevatā to perform the rituals in the traditional manner (VS 1943) 1943 VS
Displaying page 714 of 4117; total number of records: 82336