Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 728 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0085_0019B A document from Premier Raṇoddipa directs Jivani Pādhyā to operate Lakām Pauvā Guṭhī (VS 1935) 1935 VS
K_0085_0020A A document from Subba Ripamardana Thāpā authorizing Visu Pādhyā to perform rituals at Śrī Ḍaraṇyādevi (VS 1875) 1875 VS
K_0085_0020B A document from Bhoja Subedara retaining the Ḍaraṇyādevi Guṭhī under Visu Pādhyā (VS 1873) 1873 VS
K_0085_0020C A document from Subedāra Simha Dala Malla providing land for the Ḍaraṇyādevi Guṭhī (VS 1874) 1874 VS
K_0085_0020D A document from Capt. Moti Lāla Bhaṇḍāri empowering Padma Pādhyā to perform rituals at Śrī Ḍaraṇyādevī (VS 1885) 1885 VS
K_0085_0020E A document from Viṣarāma Khatri empowering Visu Pādhyā to perform rituals at Śrī Ḍaraṇyādevi (VS 1865) 1865 VS
K_0085_0021A An executive order of King Raṇa Bahādura providing land for the Kuladevatā Guṭhī (VS 1843) 1843 VS
K_0085_0021B An executive order from Prāṇa Śāha and Gen. Bhimasena Thāpā directing Suvāsa Gharti to surrender land attached to the Kuladevatā Guṭhī (VS 1875) 1875 VS
K_0085_0021C An executive order of King Gīrvāṇa confirming the Kuladevatā Guṭhī (VS 1857) 1857 VS
K_0085_0021D A lālamohara of King Raṇa Bahādura dedicating land to establish the Kuladevatā Guṭhī (VS 1843) 1843 VS
K_0085_0022A A copperplate from King of Piuthana warning not to take Dakha trust land from donee (VS 1760) 1625? ŚS
K_0085_0022B A copy of the copper plate made by King Pṛthvīpati Śāha in favour of Nirmalanātha Jogī (VS 1760) 1760 VS
K_0085_0022C An executive order from Premier Raṇauddīpa directing Atmānātha Jogī to operate rituals of the deity of Piuṭhāna (VS 1935) 1935 VS
K_0085_0023 An executive order from King Rājendra exempting seven members of Lele's Gupteśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī from corvee (VS 1892) 1892 VS
K_0085_0024 An executive order from King Rājendra exempting priest etc. of Lele's Gupteśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī from corvee (VS 1892) 1892 VS
K_0085_0025 A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing land for operating Lele's Gupteśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī (VS 1892) 1892 VS
K_0085_0026 A bond made by the kusle-s of Śrī Visyankhunārāyaṇa temple re received of remuneration for their services (VS 1943) 1943 VS
K_0085_0027 A bond made by Buddhimāna and Harṣamāna Jyāpu re Visyankhunārāyaṇa Guṭhī (VS 1943) 1943 VS
K_0085_0028 A catalogue of the assets of Visyankhunārāyaṇa Guṭhī (VS 1942) 1942 VS
K_0085_0029A A catalogue of the assets of Visyankhunārāyaṇa Guṭhī (VS 1942) 1942 VS
Displaying page 728 of 4117; total number of records: 82336